Zaraya Casas De La Rosa



7 years, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer


|:|NAME|:| Zaraya Casas De La Rosa
|:|AGE|:| 16 (Junior)
|:|GENDER|:| Female (she/her)
|:|SPECIES|:| Dog (Chihuahua)
|:|APPEARANCE|:| Zaraya is very short (4' 10'), but still dominates a room with her powerful presence. She wears nice clothes and carefully applied makeup. She has dark, meticulously styled hair, and intense brown eyes.
|:|PERSONALITY|:| Zaraya has been described as "intense," rarely backing down from anybody, seeming as if she is constantly challenging the world. She hates being treated anything less than an equal, and isn't afraid to make that clear. She's fairly popular at school, but has earned a reputation among some students as being a stuck-up rich girl, though she doesn't see herself that way.
|:|SEXUALITY|:| Straight
|:|STATUS|:| Open
|:|FAMILY|:| Zaraya's father is independently wealthy, and they, along with Zaraya's mother and eight-year-old sister live in one of the nicest houses in town.
|:|BACKGROUND/BACKSTORY|:| Zaraya could be described as sheltered, having grown up with a loving and wealthy family- she's aware that there are terrible things in the world, but they tend to seem distant and otherworldly to her. When she was younger, she was bullied over her height, but as she's gotten older, her confidence and influence have mostly stopped the harassment.