Desmond Wright



4 years, 4 months ago


Desmond Wright

Humerous Patient Loyal

Name || Desmond Wright
Alias || Des
Gender || Male
Age || OoA: 27, DC: 30, ??: 55
Birthdate || March 22
Sign || Aries
Species || Human
Orientation || Homosexual
Occupation || Former Deputy Managing Director of the London Riet Grand
Status || In Relationship
Birthplace || Los Angeles, California. U.S.A.


Des is described as overly adventerous especially when it comes to sports and physical activites. He enjoys having fun and being active and has spent a lot of time being on different sports teams, as well as surfing.

He is also a very loyal and kind person. He does everything he can for his friends and goes out of his way to help them all he can, especially when it comes to Kit, usually as a detrament to his other relationships. But overall people find him very pleasnt to be around.


Spending time with Kit


Harper Wright
Anyone harming Kit
American Football
People who take advantage of others



Des is the eldest child of Hotel Mogul Harper Wright whose internationally grand hotels prompted them to move from Los Angeles to London when he was seven. Before that he attended school and had many friends and got along well with his sister. He was very happy in L.A. and was not pleased to have moved, he held it against his father temporarily.

He is sent to the same boarding school as Kit. For a while he is deemed an outsider and made fun of for being an American, this eventually propels him into seeking a friendship with Kit as he sees him as lonely and friendless. After a time they become friends, and they become quite close and share all their secrets with each other. He becomes extremely protective of Kit usually to the detrament to his other relationships.

During school and afterwards he has a few relationships that all end for various reasons. Shortly before dating Martyn Patton, he finds that his feelings towards Kit have become romantic and may have always been, but as Kit was in a relationship he decides not to say anything and instead begins dating Martyn which ends after two years.

As an adult Des attended school for business and hospilaity and worked in the London Branch of his father's hotel Riet Grand for a few years as the Deputy Managing Director. He and his father have always had a shaky relationship which eventually came to head when he wanted Des to move back to L.A. to work there. Des refused and his father did everything he could to convince him, in the end Des quit and is still dealing with the fallout of that decision. He usually lives with his boyfriends or Kit if he's not in a relationship.

He is a very active person and goes running every morning and enjoys watching football on T.V. He also has played on various teams in school and still occasionally does for fun.



Parents: Harper Wright (father) and Emory Wright (mother)
Siblings: Clarissa Wright (sister)
Children: Timothy Ambrose (son), Annjinette Ambrose (daughter)
Immediate Family: Tomas Ambrose-Callahan (nephew), Eadbhard Ambrose-Callahan (nephew), Sinead Ambrose-Callahan (niece), Baxter Bellamy-Carter (cousin), Melody Bellamy-Carter (cousin), Nell Bellamy-Carter (cousin), Andrew Bellamy (cousin), Megan Bellamy (cousin), Rachel Bellamy (cousin), Ellias Bellamy-Fenn (cousin), Keighley Bellamy-Fenn (cousin), Douglas Bellamy (cousin), Austin Bellamy (cousin)


Christopher Ambrose


Blaise Fairburn, Chancellor Stone, Sheriden Devereux, Gage Briscoe


Name Means: south munster and craftsman
His middle name is Nolan, after his grandfather.
Has five Tattoos: T.A.R.D.I.S. tattoo on right forearm, Dragon and Phoenix tattoos on left arm, Kit's name on left wrist, Skulls and swirls on left leg.
He speaks thee languages; English, Spanish and a bit of broken French.
He has gained a bit of a British Accent over time and generally speaks with one, but will occasionally slip into and L.A. American one after travelling there or when angered.
Mamma Mia is his favourite musical. He watches it all the time.
He has a pet white Rabbit named Pippin (Dwarf Hotot), who dislikes everyone except Des and Kit.

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