GOD DAMN IT.. just as I think my day can't get fucking worse it does!

Dude, can you not. I'm just going to straight up say to re-read the comments because I did ask to purchase before you ( Which was further discussed through PMs ). So don't try to start problems, just because you weren't able to get a character. There are plenty other adopts and I would advise NOT trying to flip out over not getting this one.

I'm sorry, but i've had a really bad day today and am not in a good mood, it's been like this all week and it just keeps on getting worse

I can't accept that apology. If you were having a bad day, then you really shouldn't be online until your mood has improved and gotten better. Flipping out and acting rudely towards people, just because something or someone else had ruined your mood, isn't an excuse. Why? Because it would of been avoidable if you didn't primarily focus on posting a rude comment and instead try to do SOMETHING to help better your mood instead, like doing something that you considered to be fun or watch videos that is funny. Hell, even venting to a friend would help ( That is, if said friend is ok with it ). I would advise to think twice before you post next time. Because honestly, people WILL think badly towards you and will hold a bad taste about ya base on first impression, if you choose to make these kind of comments on characters / adopts / whatever.

Alright then.. I understand

It does looks like a really interesting line, so you know what, I'm up for getting it, 20$ is the price?

20$ is minimum price

Alright then, I can pay with paypal

Hnng, the temptation to offer $20 (っ◔A◔)っ. Djdkeloeodsns sdkdkekdkd! I would like to ask a few questions qvq. Those being: • Is it possible for me to change these babs from Pokemon / Fakemon to my own species ( Eilimitura ) for a game I plan to make, once I purchase this design? • Are you ok with the characters being in a game? • Can I absorb your creativity and artistic skills?

after the design it yours, you can do whatever you want with it, I only ask that you don't make any drastic changes to them. as for the game, you would have my permission as long as you give me proper credits. (& the skills I dunno how to transfer those ahah) 

please keep in mind that they are very tent tho when offering. out of all my fakemon they're my favourite ;-; meaning if you do end up recieving them I'd like if you didn't make any design changes at all, but changing their species or name to fit the game would be okay

Don't worry, I honestly don't plan to make any changes to the design anyways pwp. The look of the character is already perfect the way they art (´w`)/°. Credit will be given both on and off the game, so lots and lots of people know who made the design! Proper credit is key after all and I want people to know who exactly made the character  (๑و•̀ω•́)و. ( Darn. Time to go back to the drawing board (ง'̀-'́)ง ).

I can honestly see why they're your favorite pwp. The design is incredibly gorgeous, the choice of colors is overwhelmingly pleasing to the eyes, and the sass on this bab makes the combo complete  (๑و•̀ω•́)و. While I was planning to do variants ( Think of shinies but better. Like type changes and whatnot ), I promise not to make any drastic design changes, just to put you at ease ( Gotta respect the artist choice ), if I do get the character (´w`)/°. And thank you qvq.

no problem ! so glad you like them sm. I checked out your page & love your little characters as well 💙💙💙

Moreso love them♥. Like... When I've first came across this design, I immediately showed to my friends and said that it was tempting to buy, all the while sqeauling on the inside x3. Awww shucks, thank you qvq. While there is a lot, I will admit and say that I just absolutely adore every bit of character I have ( Like my children where I can use as much as my imagination in stories and rps ) (´w`)/°♥♥.

Actually Imma add on since I just noticed this design: If you do decide on selling this character to me in the end ( I'll wait since.I know it's a tent design ), I would love to buy https://toyhou.se/5880557.3-fakemon too (´w`)/°.

Omfg, so cute! Would anyone but my sonas interest you? <3

ahhh the only ones I was kinda interested in was cheshire or durian but I don't think I'd trade for them sorry ! your characters are super cute tho