Hisato Takumi



4 years, 4 months ago




Takumi is an expert fisherman, learn from the best of his foster father. He been choosen as apainter because of his bravery and kindness towards people from the tragerios sea. He always looked in the bright side with a smile, even gotten into a tight situation. Never doubt of his good action but sometimes can be noticable he did it wrongly. Believe in good karma comes in different ways.

Hisato Takumi
175 kg

Optimistic He always thoughts of the bright side of things. In his believe’s anything happen with a reason and it can be looked at from different angles. Even his natural face would be smiling to give out positive vibes towards people. Good karma will always be returned in other forms of actions. Selected to be a painter was the greatest thing in his life! He could be a saviour to those people needed him and will do his best to keep anyone save because he had been through rough times as a child in the streets.

Open An open-minded person doesn’t care what both sides opinions. He is willing to listen to anyone and share his day. His sexuality also very open, he likes both genders, men and women. Even though his open but he couldn’t make the best decision for others nor himself. He will face on wutever coming at him because that’s his destiny.

Tolerant Life throws him around but he still gets back onto his feet and makes a stand to remember! Although he has a fit strong body his mentality follows as well. Especially people around him talking back at him. When life gives you fish, give people to eat. ( when life gives you lemons you make lemonade )

Layback This took a toll on his life because too relaxed and carefree, he sometimes can’t stay focus on serious topics conversations. His clothing style is also pretty simple and fair, he won’t wear any more than 2 layer clothing. As growing up he living a simple life by the shore. He wouldn’t want anything complications in his life just enjoy the slow days. He does take his time on completing any task, so please be patient.

Clumsy His can be a bit clumsy at times if in a stressful situation he will either fail badly or successfully by sheer luck. There a time he was fishing with his foster father at the sea in a thunderstorm, the boat was slippery and wet he accidentally falls down and his ankle got tangled by the ropes nearly went into the rough seas. The rope saved him but it had twisted his ankle. Soon after he recovers , but that accident was his own fault for not being careful enough.

Blunt He’s not good at keeping secrets at all. He sometimes very expressive and will tell how he felt for others behaviour. He won’t hold back onto his words, this made anyone around him uncomfortable because he is judging in front of you. To be fair, he is honest and not talking back at people but sometimes can be a bit annoying to hear him blabbering about things that isn’t important.

Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective

  • food
  • sunset
  • hanging out
  • surfing
  • watersports
  • stranded alone
  • helpless
  • thunderstorms
  • robots
  • fishing
  • nevigate through the sea
  • sailing
  • surfing
  • volleyball
  • fishing
  • sleeping
  • eating
  • singing
  • doodles


He was an orphan child at age of 6, he loses both of his parents from a car crash accident at the city. The authorities took him after his parents didn’t make it, he stayed at the orphanage quite awhile but learn to be a handful for the caretakers. He managed to run away from the orphanage due to unhealthy it became, he rather spends his youth outside at the city! The gateway was not too long after he been spotted at the market place, trying to survive the outside with nothing but his dirty clothes. A middle-aged man caught him stealing some food and convince Hisato a there better way of living. Given advice, he eventually listens and felt guilty of his choices to run away, but couldn’t stand being at the orphanage again.

The authorities came to pick hisato up and return back but the man follow to the orphanage. He took pity on him and would like to adopt as his own son. This was a new start for hisato, he is grateful for the man and promise to change his ways of living! They have a strong bond with each other because they don’t have any children after marriage.The family work as a fishmonger, the mother sell fish at the market while the father is a fisherman. They had some hardship overpass year but hisato came into their life with a smile.

Takumi works hard to take care of his foster parents. They becoming old over the years as he grew up, he thought a lot of them and wanted the best for their simple life outside the city area. He too humble and stay behind to work alongside even he does need to study as a student. He told his parents he is happy to be by them and doing the work even if it’s heavy but he won’t give up this second life they given to him. They both agree of his happiness to let he do whatever he wanted because he will become an adult eventually. He learns life experience first better than studies in some library.

Daily basic haisato follows and works side by side with his father at the sea. The villager pays respect to him because he’s the only cheerful one out in the sea if they have any troubles ahead. His father is close to retirement but stubborn to quit, Hisato watch over him every day they went out fishing at the sea until that thunderstorm accident happens.

He nearly falls off the boat to rescue his father. It was a wet and slippery night on the boat with blowing winds and heavy rain pouring over the crew. They suppose to retreat into the cabin but the net is still attached to the boat and it will drag them down under! His father took action to cut it loose before anything bad happen. Hisato notices he was going to fall off and quickly go over him, by accidentally fall over the deck and a rope caught up his leg. Holding his father with pain and get him up into the boat but it shifted. The rope is twisted, broke his ankle in the process. The net is still half-cut and hasito replace his father bravery to finished the job and save them from the thunderstorm. Everyone on the boat was saved by him even he had some stupid accident but he gets the job done! His father is so proud he had raised him this far.

Suddenly a letter came to their house a few days later. Takumi had been healed fully and working as a fisherman to replace his father place. The special letter appointed him to be a painter by a surprise. Both of his parents are at old age and retirement but happy to let him go as his own. Hisato overwhelmed by this letter he made up his mind to become a sailor, after all the years of following his father steps in the sea. Becoming a sailor is truly his passion now, not only fishing. They all hugged each other and hope for the best for him. Takumi won’t forget his foster parents by the seaside. He goes forth to become a trainee painter and bring his family name to a new path. .

  • ● He is an adopted child from a fishmonger family
  • ● Close relationships with his parents and only child to them
  • ● Doesn’t know any better of modern technology nor the lifestyle in the busy city
  • ● Always by his foster father at the sea , helping his old man while he can
  • ● Not a wealthy family, they lived enough comfortable life with what they have as a fishmonger
  • ● People pleaser

Name Fusce venenatis et elit bibendum bibendum. Aliquam rhoncus vehicula lobortis. Pellentesque at nisi vehicula, eleifend tellus vitae, ultrices arcu.

Name Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Fusce volutpat vel tortor quis rhoncus.

Name Sed placerat lectus interdum, gravida diam a, pharetra magna.

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