
4 years, 4 months ago


  •  Name   Spike Stewart 
  •  Age   15 
  •  Status   Single 
  •  Sexuality  Bisexual 
  •  Theme Song  N/A 

"I'm drowning in an endless sea. I can't swim. It's dark. It's raining. I'm drowning."

Spike is incredibly sporty and energetic, although her organisation skills aren't particularly good. She forgets homework often, and her room is often a complete mess.

Recently, her best friend, Willow passed away last year, and since then she's developed reasonably severe PTSD and depression from seeing her die in front of her. She's been going through a lot, and had previously convinced herself it's her classmate, Shade's fault, because she was there at the time. Although over time she's come to realise that it is not her fault at all, and has instead began to blame herself.

Luckily, though, her best friend, Soda ,is there to help her through it all. She's been helping her improve her sleep schedule and take care of herself, and plans to pay for therapy with her money she earns as a barista at the local Coffee shop, once she's saved up. Slowly but surely, Spike is beginning to form new friendships, (including a fairly close friendship with Aiko), come to terms with Willow's passing, and learn life has so much to offer.


  • Sports
  • Fresh air
  • Friends
  • Sleep
  • Freedom


  • Being alone
  • Panic attacks
  • Flashbacks
  • Emptiness

profile html by Hukiolukio