Soroll Delfim


Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Soroll: From 'Sorollós'; 'Loud' - Catalan || Delfim: From 'Didelphimorphia'; Order of Opossums


Soroll Starfall (Former 'Scene' name)


11 Solar Sweeps / ~23 Years


Male (He/They pronouns)


Bisexual Biromantic



Blood Colour:




Symbol Meaning:

Rough place



Strife Specibus:



Janitor and bet collector at the Red Scarves gang's underground fighting ring


Hive located in the lowblood district of Block 136


♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

Soroll is usually fairly laid-back and casual, keeping a cheery demeanour in most situations. He's not much of a fighter and gets intimidated by others easily, preferring to flee when the going gets tough. He can be a bit of a space case at times, and often needs things explained clearly for him to understand. Despite his cowardly nature, he's always there to help his friends and will even hold a hand out to people who appear to need assistance. He seems to be naturally drawn to those who are self-destructive or have little sense of self-preservation, as he cannot help but fret over those who don't look after themselves. What he lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up for in heart.


  • Dumpster diving
  • Upcycling / Finding uses for discarded objects
  • Medicine, first aid
  • Playing the drums
  • Screamo music
  • Cycling around the city

Misc. Information:

  • His voiceclaim is Max Mittelman / Gordin from Fire Emblem Heroes.
  • He lives completely off whatever he finds in other people's trash cans. He doesn't like how much other people waste, whether it's food or empty packages that could be used for other things.
  • He's gotten sick from eating rancid food on multiple occasions, but he's slowly building up an immunity.
  • He has a knack for finding new uses for any old object he found in the trash.
  • He became a part of the Red Scarves after he was caught going through their garbage bins near the underground fighting ring. They threw him into the ring as punishment and he miraculously survived (at the cost of his horn and some scars on his face). However, since his fights weren't exciting because it was a complete fluke that he stabbed his opponent through the throat, they gave him a choice between death or becoming their janitor and bet collector. He chose the latter.
  • He's become the unofficial medic of the fighting ring, being the only person in the gang who actively cares about the fighters. He's still learning on the job, though.
  • He's able to very convincingly play dead whenever he senses danger or is intimidated by others, which is fairly often.
  • He started a band with his friend Nibell and Magara, which they've named Trashmouth. Soroll plays the drums, Nibell sings, and Magara plays the guitar. Nibell is the only one with actual talent.
  • He doesn't own a proper drum kit, so he uses a mixture of garbage cans and some cymbals he found in the trash instead.
  • Despite his dumpster diving 'Trashonista' ways, he's actually very hygenic. He showers twice a day and brushes his teeth after every main meal. He also makes sure to clean everything he picks from the trash before using them.
  • If he has to shop, he'll always go for the cheapest stuff, such as food that's a day past their expiry date and thrift store clothing.
  • His shorts are actually an old pair that once belonged to Aiolos. Neither of them know about this.
  • He has a New Zealander accent.
  • He has a naturally crooked smile due to his uneven overbite.
  • He went through a scene phase when he was younger, and was once a well-known 'Scene Queen' under the name of Soroll Starfall. His old Myspace page still exists.
  • The clothes he wore during this phase were all hand-me-downs, and he'd accept anything that was given to him. He's completely fine with wearing skirts and dresses, both while dressed up in scene clothes and normally.
  • He still loves his old scene bands, but his favourite genres are screamo and other 'hardcore' alternative music. He also likes industrial dance music.
  • His preferred mode of transport is cycling, using a bike he found lying around that wasn't chained to anything so he assumed it was free. The brakes broke some time ago, but he hasn't been able to fix them.
  • His dream is to one day own a cool leather jacket with spikes on it, like a real punk.
  • He still uses a flip phone.