


4 years, 3 months ago


My only OC The comfort child who gets 99% of the art, 98% is AU for some reason.

(I can't write cringe)

The adopted daughter to the king of (enter country here 1), (enter name 1), Manalin’s upbringing was far from being a happy, fairy tale princess life and more a political nightmare. While her father is very supportive and considers her his child, his brother (enter name here 2) (ruling over (enter country here 2)) and the royal council reject the notion of one without royal blood having rights to claim the throne. Due to this, her public reveal ceremony as the crown princess has been postponed, (need to come up with a title for this/ enter worldbuilding tangent about royal events and traditions here tl:dr; children have to come to a certain age before they are publicly introduced as prince/princess). Even within the palace, her relations to the king are a tight lipped secret known only to a few.

Mana has a very cynical personality and an overall pessimistic outlook on life that is hidden behind a fake smile. Besides her father, who she can not see and spend time with freely, her closest companions were her retainers (Flay and (enter name 2) lmao both deceased in current time) and later Medis, and the only one’s she can be her true self around.

Despite the stress at home, her position has granted more freedom to walk outside castle grounds and experience city life as any commoner would, this she does appreciate and has taken a liking to. She is often roaming the streets and interacting with the townsfolk, still being careful to not speak of her true identity.

Still, anxiety lingers about her future inheritance, and if she cannot have that which is promised (or if she truly wants it) is there another future available to her?