
Name Yue

Race God (Lineheart)

Title God of Connections

Alignment True neutral

Gender Male

Pronouns He/they

Height 5' 8" / 173 cm

Symbol Moon

Role Manager, barista


  • Classic music
  • People watching
  • Sweets

  • Being called an old man
  • Solitude
  • Cloudy nights

  • He can perceive the bonds between individuals as red strings.
  • Takes far too much sugar in his tea.
Livelier than usual today...

An ancient lunar god of connections, Yue is commoned revered by mortals as a deity of fate and matchmaking. In reality, he has little control over the course of fate itself. Yue's true role is that of an overseer, keeping an eye on the ties between everything in the universe.

After off-handedly talking about his feelings of loneliness, Yue was roped into running a small cafe with a friend and some other acquaintance gods. For the most part, Yue is content staying behind the counter preparing drinks. He finds joy in quietly watching their guests and listening in on their conversations.

Juliet Friend/Coworker

An age old friend of Yue's, Juliet was the one who proposed the idea of starting up a cafe after listening to his woes. He greatly enjoys her company and could sit and listen to her ramble on about the happenings in the universe all day long. Has a tiny crush on her and quietly laments over how he can't see her string of fate.

Solfrid Friend/Coworker

Another friend who is almost as old as Yue is. He fully understands Solfrid's dislike of noise and is super grateful that he lends his help around the cafe despite that. Often invites him for a quiet drink and a chat at the end of the day after closing time.

Natasha Coworker

While not entirely familiar with Natasha, Yue likes her energy and is pleasantly surprised at how warm a person she is.