Purin Nemui



9 years, 2 months ago


Name:Purin Nemui

Pastry:Vanilla Caramel Custard Pudding.

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese, but lives in Canada.

Likes: Keeping warm-Bears-Soft pillows/plushes and blankets-Hugging-Reading-Fantasy stories-Manga-playing chess/cards-Berries-Plants-Hot drinks.

Dislikes: Cold water-Bugs-Loud noises-lying-Not finishing a dream.

- Usually always drowsy.
- He is lazy you need to motivate him to move.
- He is straightforward says his honest opinion doesn't lie.
- He is kind would help anyone who needs it
- Generous he would share his food with you
- Helpful (sometimes) he tries his best to help if it doesn't get in the way of his sleep.

Pastry Info: Caramel Custard Pudding is known around the world but mostly in Europe and South America, and has many different types in different countries, Purin is from Japan as in the way Japan makes it and that type is also known in many countries. This dessert's sweetness depends on the color of the Caramel the lighter the sweeter / the darker the more bitter (Purin is mature that's why he is a little on the dark side but still sweet).

(Source: I knew that all along)

Other: He lives by himself and can cook but it's nothing special. Usually drinks coffee when wanting to stay awake or concentrate, Nemui means drowsy in Japanese.