Vittoria Nakano



4 years, 7 months ago


☆ Personal Information ☆

Name: Vittoria Nakano

Pronunciation of their name: Vit-tore-I-ah Nah-Cah-no

Nickname(s): Toria

Sexual orientation/Sexual preference: Pansexual

Ultimate: Spy

☆ Appearance ☆

Height: 5’7

Weight: 137lb

Age: 19

Mental age: fairly old

Eye colour(s):  greenish silver

Face shape: heart?

Body build: toned and lithe

Body abnormalities?:

Hair colour(s): darkish red

Hair length: fairly long

Hair style: either loose, or up in a bun

Skin colour(s): Olive

Complexion: tanned

Scars: on her neck and upper arms


Tattoos?: tattoo of moon on left shoulder

Piercings?: a few on the ears

☆ Current Health ☆

Mental state: sane

Personality snapshot: Fairly reserved, especially out her private life, but is friendly and wants to be a good role model

Most prominent personality trait: quiet, 

Best traits of their personality: she has big sis vibes my dude

Worst traits of their personality: suspicious of others, always on edge

☆ Current... ☆

Current faith: agnostic 

Current superstitions/quirks: looks around rooms, needs to know all exits 

Alignment: chaotic good

Marital status: not married

Occupation: prostitute

Good habits:  looks out for others

Bad habits: assumes the worst of people

Goal(s): to make sure her sibling is okay

Name: Vittoria Nakano

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 62 kg

Bust: 80 cm

Blood type: B

Birthday: February 2nd

Likes: Dancing, oranges, Seafood

Dislikes: Owls, Loud Noises, people touching her suddenly 

Ultimate: Spy