01. Aisu Hachia



9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Edits to make:

The Lost Agent/TYBW Arc design

Remake Zanpakutou abilities & name. Shikai/Bankai rename (aka its True Name). Yokai Mode explanation and power explanation as well as its incorporation into Aisu's Bankai.

Shikai: blade disappears completely after incantation. With a swing of the handle in Aisu's hand, can summon icicle fragments and can teleport between them. Can create ice slabs with another ability. And can passively make the air around her harder to breathe by condensing the spiritual pressure in her immediate vinicty. As this is a passive skill, the longer the battle is prolonged, the more effective this ability is.

Bankai: Aisu's Yokai Mode & true Zanpakutou form. Zanpakutou in cases her arm in ice and turns to ice itself. Aisu herself turns into ice and has a noticeable blue tinted to her features, her non dominant hand and feet are encased in ice and the air around her is cold enough to see her breath. Her shikai's passive is more effective in this mode. Her movement speed is notably slower but she packs a huge punch, the ice she creates is hard to break.

Aisu's bankai allows her to summon ice clones of herself to look more and more like ice versions of herself. They carry her Hollow Mask fragments but for they in different places on her face.

Unlike Rukia and Toshiro's ice Zanpakutou abilities, Aisu cannot instantly freeze people and instead her powers allows her to traverse and use the reflective surfaces of the ice she summons. Although her passive ability does freeze people, it's mostly to just slow her opponents down enough for her to use her more destructive Hollow abilities.



Aisu Hachia


Appears 20+ ; Actually 800+


Race: Soul
Role: Soul Reaper
Alias: 3rd Seat of Squad 6
Orientation: Heterosexual
Squad: 6
Alignment: Lawful Good
Marital Status: Dating


  • Seireitei
  • Gotei 13
  • Squad 5 [Formerly]
  • Squad 3 [Formerly]
  • Squad 6
  • Hachia Clan
  • Niji Clan


  • Sousuke Aizen
  • Arrancar
  • Espada
  • Quincy



Aisu is a kind person who has a strict adherence to the rules. She doesn't do anything without having thought through the entire situation; however the odd chance she does something on impulse, she starts to feel panicky. If anything because of the "this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing" feeling that arises from doing something different. She's easily flustered when it's pointed out and stumbles over possible explanations in her "odd" behavior at that moment. She is very intelligent and tries to be aware of her surroundings and those around her. Around her friends, she tries to relax but her overall approach to others makes it slightly hard for her to completely relax -- she'll be jumpy at certain suggestions and even get flustered and stammer. To everyone else who doesn't know her, she comes off as a Hachia -- a confident individual with the apparent airs of omnipotence and prowess. Which she does have to a degree. She's very proud of her accomplishments and knows she can always do better.. Despite this, she does have a slight fear of losing it all over something trivial or because of being too greedy to accomplish her own goals.

She sets the bar high for herself. Mostly because of her heritage as a Hachia and so she can gain her superior's approval. She was always looking for a way to be acknowledged by her captain, Byakuya Kuchiki. Once she realized that having that aspiration was pointless, she instead moved to prove to herself that she's not the same person. Although, she aimed that at Gin Ichimaru. His betrayal against the Soul Society made her want to acknowledge her own power and to see how far she's walked down her own path. She's not set on vengeance, just set on proving to herself that's she's stronger than she appears to be.

Aisu is pretty methodical. As mentioned before: she's very keen on her surroundings, thinks through nearly every given situation, and always has more than a couple plans up her sleeves. If she can't rely on her swordsmanship, she'll resort to using Kido and so on. Analyzing her opponents is always a fun challenge to her. She's aware of her limitations and what she can do, so trying to gauge her opponents limitations and skill sets is very much what she looks forward to how difficult it'll be for her to best them. Although, once her plan starts to falter or go awry, she'll start to lose her cool and confidence.


Aisu Hachia was born in the Abandoned Hachia Compound located in a far corner of the North Rukongai. She was in the Abandoned Compound with Taifu Niji; an individual who belongs to a clan subservient to her's. Much like their predecessors, both were taken in by Taifu's clansmen and raised accordingly. Much was expected of Aisu as she was growing up. Receiving basic training and education before being accepted into the Shin'ō Academy to become a Soul Reaper. She's very grateful to her caretakers and often writes to them about what she's going or has been up to since she last wrote to them. Even today, she makes an enormous effort to contact them.

During her time at the Shin'ō Academy, she befriended Renji Abarai. She also got to know Rukia Kuchiki, Momo Hinamori, and Izuru Kira -- all eventually becoming people she would later get to know during her career as a Soul Reaper. She often competed with Renji, over everything really. Finding it exhilarating to have someone challenger her as well as he could. Their friendship blossomed even after they graduated and more so eventually when they were in the same Squad together. After graduating from the Academy, the two were seen sparring and hanging out together on various occasions. Aisu constantly worries about him -- thinking he may overexert himself more than she does. She thinks that he truly will supersede the bars or levels he places for himself.

After graduating, Aisu was requested to join Squad Five. She, along with Renji, spent their time training, practicing, and being better Soul Reapers. Often being sent out on missions together and just finding excuses to spar for the most part. Though she wasn't alone with Renji, Izuru was with them as well. She regards them as her true friends and has been inseparable with them ever since. As Aisu was in Squad Five, her partner, Taifu, wasn't. Which raised many brows towards people that knew about the Hachia and Niji Clans. She insisted that Taifu go his own way and make a name for himself instead of being in her shadow. They still saw each other but rarely were they on missions together. It didn't seem to bother them too much though, as they wanted to make a name for themselves.

Sometime later, Aisu was transferred to Squad Three along with Izuru. She spent her time trying to build her reputation and had her eye on becoming a lieutenant. She had her work cut out for her as Izuru gave her a run for her money. The two competed for their Captain's attention and spent their time trying to master their Zanpaktou. The two would spar or even help their Captain with trivial and mundane tasks. However, they spent more of their time being friendly and polite -- though she used his kindness to her advantage most of the time by being more by the rules. After Izuru was made lieutenant, Aisu was transferred to Squad Six. Shortly after, she was named the 3rd Seated Officer of the Squad. She was overjoyed by this and was glad that her hard work had paid off. She wanted to make a huge impression on her Captain, Byakuya Kuchiki, so she did everything in her power to master her Shikai. Izuru and Renji helped her master her Shikai and how to not easily over-exert herself with it. A few years after she mastered it, she felt even more confident in being Squad Six's 3rd Seated Officer. Albeit, Renji was just above her -- rank wise -- she never backed away from anything. She felt like she could do whatever he could and with more effort. She also became one of Byakuya's reliable officers and oversaw the various duties of both the Captain and Lieutenant.

Aisu, upon Renji's and Byakuya's return from arresting Rukia Kuchiki, was in awe of how calm her Captain was towards arresting his own sister. She was worried about Renji, knowing his feelings towards Rukia, and tried to keep him at bay when dealing with Byakuya. Interestingly enough, Aisu was on the defensive about him and looked out for Renji. When Renji was beaten by the Ryouka, Aisu was ordered to imprison him. She did so without hesitating, although feeling conflicted about it. She assumed his duties regardless, until he was fully healed. She had a lot of conflicting emotions and feelings for the duration of the Ryouka Invasion. Either on what she should do, how to help her friends, or if she should disregard it and do what she had been doing until this point. She eventually had an encounter with Tsuyoi Hachia -- one of her clanmates. Tsuyoi sized Aisu up and easily beat her during their confrontation.

Sometime after that fight, Aisu felt like she wasn't worthy of being a Seated Officer or a Hachia. All the expectations that were made for her had all fallen into ruin. She was easily bested against someone that the Soul Society considered a traitor but what surprised her, was Taifu approaching her to help her become stronger. They traveled to an area that was forgotten and hidden within the Soul Society, a training ground that once belonged to her clan. It was remote enough to support the immense amount of spiritual pressure that exudes from Hachia that have mastered their Bankai or had succumbed to it. Much to her surprise, Tsuyoi was there as well. She was there to train Aisu to become stronger, much like the Hachia before her had. She pushed Aisu to her limits, forcing her and Taifu to fight and give it their all and nothing less. It was a struggle but Aisu had a taste of her true power and potential, she could hear her Zanpakutou's true name but it was just out of reach from her. With Taifu's help, she joined Tsuyoi and her friends in the skirmish against Aizen before he defected. However, she was left broken by the fight. Gin Ichimaru had easily fended her off and made her aware that she couldn't stand up to them. She was broken by the betrayal he left behind. Although it pained her to be constantly annoyed by Ichimaru, he was someone she did look up to. Seeing him defecting made her feel hollow. However, her attitude changed when Renji challenged her mindset. He pushed her enough to make her want to start fighting back so that's what she did.

Aisu trained vigorously for the following months after the Ryoka Invasion and Captain Aizen defecting with Captains Ichimaru and Tōsen. Tsuyoi gave her a glimpse of how her training would proceed and how demanding it would be. She trained with her partner, Taifu, for most of it and tried find a deeper understanding between her and her Zanpakutou as well. Once it felt like she was ready, Toketsu Kujira, her Zanpakutou, allowed her to fight her inner Hollow. For Aisu, it felt like she was fighting it for an eternity but it was really a matter of minutes. With Taifu supervising her, Aisu managed to defeat her inner Hollow. With her Bankai now partially achieved, all she had to do was fully master it. However, that wasn't taking as much precedent as it felt. Once she had completed part of her training, Aisu was sent to Hueco Mundo with her Captain and Renji to fight against Aizen and his allies.

Once she was at Hueco Mundo, Aisu stuck with Byakuya until he told her to assist Renji. She left to help fix him up until he told her to go help Ichigo. She left to join the fight in the World of the Living and immediately set her sights on fighting Gin Ichimaru. During their fight, which was increasingly one-sided the longer it was drawn out, she realized she still couldn't be on par with him. Despite having conquered her inner Hollow and having knowledge of her Bankai. She gave it her all regardless but spent all her energy on a powerful attack in an attempt to stop him. She passed out before seeing what would happen to him and awoke to seeing Renji and Izuru worried for her. She made a promise to them both, after she apologized for not being there for them, to always be there when they needed her. She felt a sense of closure in what happened to her former Captain and with that past her now, she set her sights on the future.



Taifu Niji

[ Relationship ]
Taifu and Aisu are master and servant, close friends, and even siblings. They're bond is what makes the two remarkable in a fight and even inspire confidence in their comrades. Taifu always defends Aisu and backs up whatever plans she has.

Tsuyoi Hachia

[ Relationship ]
Aisu's cousin and mentor. At first, Aisu assumed Tsuyoi to be a traitor and kinslayer. She had nothbut contempt towards the woman until she met her during the Ryoka Invasion and was forced to actually allow her to mentor her. Tsuyoi knows Aisu's true potential and wants to her reach it. Through their training, Aisu developed a strong admiration and respect for her. She feels embarrassed for how she treated Tsuyoi and tries to make up for it.

Kodai Hachia

[ Relationship ]
Aisu's cousins and temporary enemy. She, like many others assumed Kodai Hachia was dead. When seeing he was by Aizen's side, Aisu stood by Tsuyoi and believed that he could be saved from his supposed life debt. Aisu, to appeal to his sense of honor, saved his subordinate, Shinsei Niji. Kodai, feeling indebted to his cousin, saved Aisu from being killed by a former Niji Clansmen. Instead, he sustained near fatal wounds to protect her. Kodai and Aisu have a very understanding and friendly relationship and have nothing but familial love towards one another. Kodai also mentors Aisu for a time and helps push her towards being a well respected warrior.

Byakuya Kuchiki

[ Relationship ]
Aisu has a great admiration for her Captain and sees him as someone who can never be wrong. She's vary biased towards him and is often teased about it. Despite this, all Aisu wants his approval-- no matter how small it is. She does recieve amounts of praise from time to time and treasures those moments dearly. Aisu is immensely defensive of her Captain and will defend him to her last breath. Her admiration towards Byakuya borders on having actually feelings for him.

Renji Abarai

[ Relationship ]
Aisu and Renji are close friends and rivals. The two are often sparring with one another or trying to finish whatever work their Captain assigns. The moments when they're just spending time together, they're usually joking around or just relaxing. They both appreciate their friendship and Aisu does nothing but worry about him sometimes.

Gin Ichimaru

[ Relationship ]
Aisu's former Captain and someone she finds to be irritating. She saw him as something to aspire to once but then realized he's nothing but annoying. Always popping out the blue and giving her cryptic messages. Because of this, she simply calls him by his last name and claims 'someone who constantly startles a young lady shouldn't deserve respect'. However he claims to have her best interests at heart and is always looking out for her.

Kira Izuru

[ Relationship ]
Aisu admires and respects Kira. She's always loved being around him and enjoys their friendship. They were competitive but nowhere near as competitive as she is with Renji. They've known each other since their days at the Shin'ō Academy and have been together in both Squad 5 and Squad 3. Both have a very friendly affection towards each other and, because of their latter days in Squad 3, aren't as formal towards one another. Aisu respects Kira deeply and admires his strength and dedication towards his captain -- even if she can't stand him. Today, they're still friends and often enjoy blowing off steam by relaxing together or with other squad members.

Sosuke Aizen

[ Relationship ]
Aisu, like many, looked up to Captain Aizen. When she was assigned to his squad, he took a keen interest in her -- both as seeing her potential as a Shinigami and as her being a Hachia. He tutored her in his knowledge of both former Captains, Tsuyoi Hachia and Kodai Hachia. She was amazed by his knowledge and apparent admiration towards Tsuyoi. She often visited him, even after transferring to different squads, or he visited her. She truly felt at ease being in his presence and admired his cool attitude. However, she failed to see how it was him who was purposely misleading her that Tsuyoi was a traitor to her kin and fellow Shinigami. Like many others, she was also surprised by his disregard for everyone in the Seireitei and trying to become God.

Zanpakuto, Hollowfication, & Trivia


  • Name: Tōketsu Kujira
  • Meaning: Freezing Whale
  • Element: Ice
  • Spirit: Akhlut
  • Personality: Calm, wise, patient, omniscient, predatory
  • Relationship with wielder: Tōketsu Kujira is Aisu's mentor and close companion. Aisu usually refers to him as Kujira however.
  • Inner World: Cold but covered with water; save for the various and scarce icebergs/glaciers spread throughout the world.


  • Default: Chisa Katana
  • Shikai: Kujira has the ability to freeze the air around Aisu, making it hard for those around her to concentrate or attack; depending on the levels of spiritual pressure. If those around her are weak, then they'll succumb to the cold temperatures Kujira emits. If those around her are strong, then they'll just feel a rigid coldness that attaches to their spiritual pressure and actually absorbs it; giving Aisu more spiritual energy to use. Since Kujira doesn't physically appear as a sword, she uses the hilt to command her attacks and will Incorporate Kidō and Hakuda into her attacks.
    • Release: Shimo
    • Meaning: Frost
  • Bankai: Kujira's physical appearance dissipates and appears as a physical copy of Aisu herself. They both emit large amounts of energy that makes the field and area around them unbearably cold. No matter the strength of Aisu's foe(s), they will feel the effects of Kujira's cold powers. The depth of the cold effects depends on how close hey are to both Aisu and Kujira. Aisu and Kujira's appearance change as well. Aisu and Kujira still wear the main Shingami garb but also adorn ice pauldrons on their shoulders with fur that covers their backs. They also adorn half of Aisu's hollow mask or a 1/4 of it.
    • Release: Han'ei Shimasu
    • Meaning: Reflect


  • Shikai:
    • Kōri no Hahen: [Meaning: Ice Shards] Aisu is able to create shards of ice that look like large icicles. These shards are used with offensive measures but can be used to defend or cordon off parts of the battlefield. In doing this, the icicles emit a black ice like substance on the ground near them. Which, if her opponent(s) near it, can slip and allow Kujira to absorb the spiritual pressure that's around it -- whether it's from a living being or just in the air. The more spiritual pressure it draws, the more the ice stretches. It can only stretch in one direction, which is in whatever direction Aisu was in or is currently. If there's enough icicles in the ground, they can actually absorb her opponents power and even be used as a conduit for her Kidō and Hakuda abilities.
    • Kōri no Gurasu: [Meaning: Ice Glass] Aisu is able to summon blocks of ice that can absorb her opponents attacks and momentarily redirect it at them -- however this can only be done if there's more than two blocks of ice summoned. These are used in a defensive measure and, because of the amount of spiritual pressure imbued into them, can't break easily. Weak opponents cannot break them but anyone stronger than her or anyone wielding fire can destroy the block of ice. The walls can also stand on their own for long amounts of time, or depending on Aisu's strength. She can even use them to quickly move around the field or to hide.
    • Kōri no Hansha: [Meaning: Ice Reflection] Aisu and Kujira combine their power to make thin walls of ice that reflect the true inner self of their opponents. This apparition, which will step out of the ice wall, will mirror their actual self. Ex: People who are right handed wielders will have a reflection that wields with their left instead. The reflections/apparitions can be vague to realistic but this depends on Aisu's strength the moment she summons this ability. To aid the reflection, Kujira makes the air dense to hide his master and allow the opponent to fight their reflection.
  • Bankai:
    • Sanryōkyō: [Meaning: Prism] Aisu and Kujira are able to slow the air around them to make the foe(s) move slower and become susceptible to the combined Kidō, Hakuda, or even Aisu's Hollow abilities. They can also make the air propel them forward at a faster pace. The idea is the control the light around them and use it for their benefit.
    • Kesshō: [Meaning: Crystallization] Aisu and Kujira combine their power into one and form several (maximum is 6) near indestructible ice slabs. Kujira can actually disappear and reform as these mirrors and make them harder to destroy but Aisu prefers him to fight with her. Instead, Aisu's Hollow form manifests into these slabs of ice and that's what gives them both immense power and resilience. The slabs themselves are highly susceptible to fire and whatever strength Aisu has the moment she uses her power. The slabs of ice can reflect abilities and redirect them through the mirrors and can double the initial power. Mirrored copies of opponents or allies can also be formed are are stronger than the Shikai version of them. Aisu can also enter the slabs of ice with Kujira and even attack through them. Once she's in the mirror however, she's unreachable with direct attacks. If an attack is being redirected through the mirrors, she and Kujira can be damaged by them and have to maneuver around the attacks. The slabs can move at the will of either Kujira or Aisu and are anything but stagnant.
    • Kesshō Kōri no Keimusho: [Meaning: Crystal Ice Prison] Kesshō Kōri no Keimusho is Aisu's strongest attack and can only be used once. Aisu freezes herself in ice and Kujira attacks her opponent instead. Kujira draws from Aisu's Hollow abilities and his attacks, even as simple as they seem, can triple in strength. Aisu, inside the ice, is actually absorbing Kujira's spiritual pressure and making it manifest into three ice wolves -- these wolves bear a heavy resemblance to Kujira's spirit form. Once their manifestation is complete, Aisu orders them to attack her foe(s). In this attack the high amounts of spiritual pressure freeze the opponent, no matter the strength, and the ice wolves pounce towards the foe. The attack make the three wolves make the three form into a gigantic ice structure that traps the foe in place. After this attack, Aisu will fall unconscious. The amount of spiritual energy she uses is about all she and her Hollow self can manifest. Kujira will revert to his sealed form as well.
  • True Bankai:
    • Ability 1:
    • Ability 2:
  • Special Ability: Kindan no Mon [Meaning: Forbidden Gate]: Hirakimasu [Meaning: Open Up] Aisu, like her cousins, were all given secondary seals to actually attempt to unveil the seal The Seer placed on the Hachia Clan and allow them to come out of hiding. This technique can only be used once and with the other two counterparts of the seal.


  • Mask: Aisu's full mask manifests with wolf like features. It has pointed ears and a pointed cheeks that could resemble a wolf's cheeks. The white mask is also adorned with blue paint on the eyes and sides of her mask.
  • Power Augmentation: Aisu's powers, when she manifests her mask, increase her spiritual pressure and her physical strength. Unlike the Vizard, Aisu relies on the true strength of her Hollow abilities. She, like many of her clan, has beaten her Hollow into submission and commands the power it has through her Bankai.
  • Abilities:
    • Cero
    • Gran Ray Cero


  • Name means "Ice"
  • Aisu was supposed to be an rehash of a Naruto OC. They two looked alike in their appearances however were mirror reflections of each other.
  • She used to be paired with Byakuya however, Izuru prevailed
