Brixa , Daughter of Indech



4 years, 3 months ago


  • Brixa

  • Age 2065
  • Gender Female
  • Race Manakete
  • Class Dark Flier
  • World Fire Emblem, Three Houses

"Never run from something immortal, it only attracts their attention"

Once Upon A Time, there was the daughter of a saint. She lived in a beautiful canyon, in a city bourne of the Divine.

Brixa's life with her father, Indech, was perfect. She had a family. She had a future. When the Agarthans wiped her people from the face of Fodlan, she lost it all. Cast into hiding by her father, living a life of fear and isolation, she grew up as Fodlan became a strange new land around her. But when an assassins knife drags her back into the world of man, and her Rhea's church of memories...Brixa must decide just what it is she stands for as Fodlan hurtles towards a new age of strife and chaos.


DoB:15th day of the Blue Sea Moon
Origin: Zanado
Height: 180cm
Build: Lanky
Demeanor: Prickly
Theme: Man's Road
  • Southern Fruit Blend
  • Ancient Coin
  • Book of Sheet Music
  • Almyran Pine Needles
  • Goddess Statue
  • Book of Crest Designs




Brixa, daughter of Indech the Indomitable, was born in the Nabatean paradise of Zanado during the peak of its cultural heyday. Her childhood was filled with lessons and stories from her wise and kindhearted father, playdates with her childhood friend Flayn, and the whispers of something dark on the horizon.

Despite the growing unsease, she continued her carefree days with her family. She amused herself, and her friend with her penchant for music, often making songs poking fun at those more full of themselves than she. During this time she learned the bow, but quickly found herself more adept with the forces of magic present in the land of Fodlan, taken in to learn under the finest teachers in the hopes that she could do great things for the Nabatean people one day.

But it wasn't meant to last.

When that promised darkness did come, Indech, in his wisdom, chose to fight alongside Seiros against the threat, sending his daughter into hiding far, far away from what would quickly turn into the slaughter of their people. The Nabateans fell, and with it, everything Brixa knew. As the Agarthean people rejoiced, Brixa ran for the ocean, promising her father that she would survive at any cost.

A Life of Isolation

Brixa, cut off from her family and all but alone, found herself one of the last of her kind. The hundreds of years to follow found the sea dragon wandering from fishing village to fishing village along Adrestia’s coast, keeping a low profile as she went.

Brixa never made connections, rarely staying for very long in any one place and trying to help those she met during her brief stays in quiet inns and lonely little towns. She gained a bit of a minor reputation as a traveling sage and minstrel, though she never allowed anyone close. Her life was private, quiet, and that was just how she intended it to stay.

It wasn’t until Imperial Year 1180 that her quiet , nomadic life was shattered. Despite her protests, a small village noticed the effect she had on the local fish, and it wasn’t long before rumors of a ‘Tide Maiden’ began to circulate, whispering of good fortune in the harvest should you spot the elusive girl while upon your skiff. Despite her best efforts to smother the rumors before she drew attention...

Child of Saints

Soon the rumors drew attention. Deadly attention in the form of an agent of Those Who Slither In The Dark, who attempted to bring the Nabatean people all the closer to extinction. It was only the intervention of a nearby class of children from Garrag Mach Monastery, who had been dispatched to investigate the strange rumors, that saved her life. Brixa got to live another day, safe from the fate that befell her people, but it came at a terrible price.

The price came in the form of the Archbishop’s attention. Rhea ordered her brought back, welcoming her ‘family’ back with open arms, and admitting her to the Monastery for ‘her protection’. Brixa, used to a solitary life like her father was, did not want to be dragged into what she considered her a 'mad endevor' to lie to the humans en masse for purposes she couldn't even fathom. Despite her misgivings, Brixa found herself admitted to the student body, kept under Rhea's watchful eye as she became a member of the Black Eagles class. It as an experience that would change her life forever.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
