Eddie's Comments

Zephlerr   Is there any chance you could ping me if you entertain offers in the future? <3 If not that's okay!

Uhhh idk yet

That’s okay please take your time and don’t feel pressured! You can ping me in the future if you wanna ❤️

Yea! How do you even ping? I've never understood that lmao

Just @ then username without the gap! 💖 so you’d just tag me in a comment if you wanted to entertain offers! Or you could message me, your choice!



anyone on my account you like

Dude, I just got ed. I'm good.

Sorry it still had the ota tag lol so when i searched it came up


How do I take those off??

Oop i saw you found out sowey i was unable to help i fell asleep 😅

Lmao you're fine!

I'll ab uwaaa

oh cool! my paypal [email protected]


Sent character! Thank u!

Yeah! Not a problem!

Aer you open to oc offers?