


7 years, 8 months ago


  • Species: Grem2 owned by MrGremble
  • - Traits
  • -- Ears: Ribbed
  • -- Fur: Ear Fluff
  • -- Tail: Long
  • -- Masterlist Number: #609
  • Species Guide: www.deviantart.com/art/Grem2-G… (Closed Species)
  • Gender: Female
  • Nicknames: Harles
  • Residence: A big party city in Western Rallome, but her second home can be found in a large town in Southern Rallome.
  • Personality: Harley is as bubbly and outgoing as they come! She loves meeting new people and making friends, traits also so happen to help her in her business ventures. She wants to make people smile and laugh, performing silly antics at times to achieve that goal. She's always willing to help a friend in need, or anyone for that matter, doing all she can to make things better for them. She is rather smart but also a little naive at times, impulsive and honestly, she's a bit goofy! She's also the biggest flirt, and loves getting the affections of others. She loves animals a ton, and even has her own Draco Stryx, a Corva named Munnin. Her collection was once vast but she hopes to one day bring it back up to its former glory. The only time you'll ever see her mad is if there's someone giving someone else a hard time in her clubs, everyone is meant to have fun, but no one is having fun if they're being creeped on. She isn't afraid to throw creeps out with her own two hands! There was a period of time where Harley lost herself, she disappeared, changed her name and appearance, but after a time she was able to find herself again with the help of some friends.
  • Main Interests: Dancing, Singing, Making Others Happy, Managing, Making Drinks, Taking Care of Stryx, Family and Friends
  • Pets: Munnin the Cora Draco Stryx
  • Theme Song: "BAYLA - Turn it Around"

Harley was created to be a worker at a fancy night club in Western Rallome, simple things like serving drinks, keeping an eye out for trouble makers, basic barista stuff. But Harley soon proved that she was a total natural when it came to night clubs, she went above and beyond in her service skills. She remembered her regular's orders, stole the hearts of new patrons enough for them to become regulars themselves, performed for the guests and even made her co-workers always feel great about themselves, telling them when they are doing an amazing job, or helping them when there was something they needed to grasp more of. She moved up to trainer, helping train new co-workers and helping them become some of the best workers you could find. It was here that she learned of an interesting species of birds, and, looking for a fun escape from her regular day to day, found herself with a small collection of them, in between flirting with other Grems of course.

Not too long after that she found herself moving up to Team Leader, the first step in becoming a manager, which had much more responsibility but she was up for the task! Even though it required things to start becoming about the numbers, she was able to balance both equally, keeping every worker and patron happy, while also keeping sales and times at their best. She quickly learned all she could there, managed the club to perfection, and soon found herself being asked to a very important meeting with the top man. He wanted her to manage all of his establishments in West Rallome, and made her the CEO of his entire entertainment company, and subsequently she was set free, she no longer had an owner, she earned her place as being her own Grem. Everyone who worked for her was like family, she was on a first name basis with everyone, all that and she still found time to tend to her growing Draco Stryx collection. Her job at times took her all around Palleth, trying new drinks, learning about new managing techniques, and of course she sometimes needed to travel when she found herself the perfect new Draco Stryx to buy. Everything was awesome and perfect.

One such business trip she found herself in Southern Rallome, there was a new drink that was all the rage here and she had to try it for herself, and see if she could get rights to make it in her clubs. Trouble was, she go the address wrong, and ended up in the back room of a strange Smithy. There were test tubes and potions everywhere, and writing all over the walls. In the corner, a grey Grem at in a chair, reading a book.

"Excuse me?" she said softly. The grey Grem nearly fell out of his chair.

"W-Well hello there, miss. Welcome to Flamel's Extraordinary Elixirs! What is it I can fancy you with today?" Flamel said, making his way over to her, arms outstretched. Harley still hadn't clued in she was in the wrong place.

"I heard about a new drink that was concocted here and I had to come and check it out!" she said excitedly. "And to think it comes from such interesting looking Grem at that." she said, running a finger down one of Flamel's horns. His brow furrowed, and he brushed the hand away. His affections belonged to another.

"I'm not sure which 'drink' you speak of." he said. "...Though I do have a new potion, perhaps that's what you meant?" he picked a beaker up off the table with glowing blue liquid. "But you see well, I haven't got all the kinks-"

Harley grabbed the bottle from his hand and downed it.

"-out of it yet..." Flamel looked stunned as he finished his sentence. A look of disgust washed over Harley's face.

"Eww, that was the worst drink I have ever-" she belched a puff of blue fire. "-had. At least it tasted better coming out!" she laughed.

Flamel immediately ran over to some papers and began writing. "Interesting, very interesting, that's the exact reaction I was hoping for, now if I just..." he mumbled to himself as Harley just kinda stood there dumbfounded.

"Do you have company Flamel?" a voice came from out front. A woman walked through the curtain into the room to find Flamel writing in his notes, and a confused Harley watching him. "Oh Flamel, you know it's rude to throw your head into a book when you have company." she said.

"But Miss Lynn! These were important findings I needed to write down before the thought slipped my mind. Surely you can forgive me." he gave a sly grin.

"I suppose." Lynn laughed. "And who is your friend here?" she said, reaching a hand out to shake Harley's.

"W-Well she's..." Flamel stammered, not even knowing the name of his guinee pig.

Harley giggled. "It's Harley!" she said with a smile.

Lynn reached her other hand onto the handshake, enclosing Harley's whole paw in it, a twinkle in her eye. "I KNEW YOU LOOKED FAMILIAR!" Lynn beamed from ear to ear. "You were the waitress from that one club out west! I'm not sure if you'd remember me, but my significant other and I visited there on vacation a long time ago and you were just so friendly, it was infectious, you really made our trip." Lynn's words made Harley blush. It meant a lot to hear how she made people happy. "What are you up to now and what brings you to our little shoppe?"

"Well, since you last saw me I moved up to becoming the CEO of my bosses whole entertainment company! I came here to sample the new drink I heard about from around here, Flamel gave me a taste but unfortunately it wasn't... really the taste I was looking for." Harley said, as Lynn burst out laughing.

"I don't think you'll find what you're looking for here, my buddy Flamel here works in potions, remedies and cure-alls, not alcohol." Lynn said, and Harley blushed.

"O-Oh, I see." she looked at the small paper in her hand. "It seems I read the address wrong." she giggled.

"I think you might be looking for McGuffin's Bar down the road. They have this weird mix of fruits and rum that tastes really good, they actually set it on fire before they serve it too you!" Lynn said. "I'd highly recommend it."

"I'll have to go try it then, maybe get some of the burnt taste out of my mouth." they both laughed, as Flamel continued his work, oblivious of the two.

"Please feel free to stop by again anytime if you're in town, I'd love to treat you to a nice home cooked meal!" Lynn smiled, as Harley waved and turned for the door.

"I'd really love that, thank you so much for your hospitality, miss." Harley said. As she exited, Flamel raised a hand and waved, not taking an eye off his work.

"Thanks for being my guinea pig, I'd love to test on you again sometime!" he said. Harley smirked, he was quite the interested Grem, not like any she had met before. She liked that in him. Little did she know that that chance meeting would be so important in the future.

Harley continued to do her job flawlessly, she crunched the numbers, met the people, did all those wonderful things she did so well. But as time went on, things began to change, not with her, but with the world. She loved what she did but there was just something... wrong. The world was becoming a dark place, with war, pollution, and corruption. Something she felt like she needed but couldn't figure out why, it was an urge to run away, like the darkness was enclosing in on her and she just had to go, run, run away from everything she loved, a glitch in her programing? And for some reason, she acted on that urge. She slowly sold all her Stryx over time so no one would notice, while still continuing her work. And then once they all had loving homes again, she vanished, leaving a note on her desk that read. "Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry. I need to disappear for awhile." It was her top man who found it, one of her dearest friends. The entire office cried that day, not knowing what would become of their favorite CEO, they searched for days, hired PIs, but not hide nor hair was found of her.

That was because she no longer existed. She walked into the Grem Corps, she told them her situation and they took her into a room, and after that everything went dark. What walked out of the lab that day was a new Grem, they looked different, sounded different, even thought differently, and had no memory of before. This Grem preferred a secluded life with their new owner, living out somewhere in the countryside. They were traded along a couple of times from there, eventually ending up with a Grem companion at one time or another, but things would always end up changing. Change. There was so much of it, this new life never had a constant. It was so different. Did this Grem like this? They didn't know. But again eventually, something was missing, and they didn't know what. They couldn't keep up with the changes. They couldn't keep up with their thoughts. And suddenly they found themselves alone, they had no owner anymore, they couldn't make themselves aware, bits and pieces of memory faded in and out of their mind. They awoke in an ally in the rain, and crawled to the nearest door. Their instincts said they needed to find shelter. They crawled to the nearest door on all fours and scratched at it, hoping someone would let them in.

The door swung open and a grey Grem stood there. "Oh my, this isn't good!" he said, pulling them in with all his strength and setting them on his chair with a blanket. The Grem yelled for his owner. "Miss Lynn, please come quick I need your help!" a human woman rushed in and saw the poor Grem and the state it was in.

"Don't worry little fella we're going to take good care of you okay?" she said, grabbing more blankets and covering it up. It didn't speak, but it was becoming a little more aware as it warmed up.

"I KNOW JUST THE THING THAT WILL HELP, MY CURE-ALL POTION!" the grey Grem grabbed a flask off the table, with a blue glowing liquid in it.

"FLAMEL WAIT-" Lynn said, but he had already opened the other Grems mouth and dumped the concoction inside. It's eyes widened, a small spark going off inside of them, right before it opened its mouth, belching out a puff of blue fire.

The Grem spoke. "I... I remember." she said, softly, but the familiar voice caught in Flamel's ears.

"... Harley?" he said, taking her hand. Lynn's eyes widened, and Harley's filled with tears, a smile on her face.

"Yeah, it's me." she said. "I really messed up didn't I."

Lynn grabbed her other hand. "What matters is you're here, you're different, but you're you. What happened baby, please tell me."

Harley explained everything she could remember, the feelings she had, and then what she could remember of her lives after she visited the Grem Corps. Lynn told her all that happened after she disappeared, the entertainment company continued to thrive because she had taught her staff so well how to be self sufficient, but they could never fill her spot.

"Whatever your reasons for doing what you did, they were your own, you were your own Grem, it was your choice to go out and act on them to find your path." Lynn said, patting Harley. "We all have to learn things sometimes, they say we learn something new every day." Harley nodded as Lynn spoke. "Now if you'd like, I can get in touch with your company-"

"No." Harley said. "I'm not ready yet, and I can't go back, looking as I do now. They would never know it was me!" she laughed, her sense of humor returning.

"Well then you are free to stay here for a long as you need, my home is your home. Let me bring some joy to you as you did to me." Lynn said, as Harley burst into tears. And stay she did. For many home cooked meals, for lots of potion experiments by Flamel, she got to meet Lynn's significant other, and she learned that there were other worlds out there in the universe. It was all fascinating to her. Flamel became like a brother to her. And in the end she finally understood. She threw everything she loved away for something she thought she needed but couldn't have, a real and true family, but she didn't realize that she already had a family in her co-workers and friends, she had it all along. And with Flamel, Lynn, and Alan giving her this home away from home, she could escape whenever she needed to, just for a short while, to this family who loved and supported her too, they helped her realize this truth that she needed, this reassurance to her existence. The day came, she stood up a new Grem, she was the same Harley as before, but better. She was ready to take on the world again, all in a new light. She thanked her family for all they had done for her, and promised to visit whenever she could.

Stomping back into Grem Corps, they reverted her back to her original form. And then it was on to her main building. She skipped in happily as people watched in awe, skipping all the way to her office. Just as Lynn said, it was empty, no one ever took her spot. She heard a commotion behind her and turned to see, it was her co-workers, her family, all with tears in their eyes. "I'm so sorry to have worried you all, I had to learn a lesson that I desperately needed." she threw her hands in the air. "But Harley is back and better than ever!" and the whole office cheered.

Since then, Harley has started trying to bring back her Stryx collection, so far she found a lovely Corva named Munnin to be her partner. She has gone back to doing all the duties she use to do, but she's sure to take time out to visit her home away from home. She also tries to do more with the guests at her establishments again as she once did, serving and performing for one of the nightclubs at least once a week. Everything feels right and she couldn't be happier.

  • Quote(s): "Wana have a good time, sweet cheeks?"
  • "Come on Munnin, we gotta go visit Flamel, Lynn and Alan!"
  • "Okay guys, I got the rights to some really cool drinks here, leme show you how to make them!"
  • "Welcome to the Blue Talon! What can I get for you this evening?~"