Kestrel Spindrift



4 years, 3 months ago


"Hi! I'm Kestrel!"

Name Kestrel Spindrift Age 369
Gender Nonbinary Trans Man (he/they) Orientation Pan/Ace
Height 5’3 Eye Colour Black
Job Class Life Cleric Alignment Neutral Good
Species Eladrin Elf Background Sage


Ever an optimist, Kestrel is friendly and sees the best in people. He wants to improve peoples' lives in whatever way he can, and he's patient and understanding to others' needs. Sadly, he's bad at reading the room, assuming everyone is just as cheery and gung-ho for becoming friends as they are. They won't force religion on others, but they do care deeply about Selune and being chosen by the goddess, so they bring her up often, if politely. Also, he smells, like, really good??


Rumours say that Kestrel was born between the shelves of his scribe parents' library. He loved reading, delving deep into ancient tomes and exploring his home city to apply what they learned, with the goal of helping others. On one such mission, Kestrel assissted a woman favoured by Selune. The goddess saw, and, amazed by their yet untapped potential, she blessed them with power to do more for the world. Armed with knowledge and new powers, Kestrel left home to heal the sick, and eventually made his way to Waterdeep.


Everyone is a friend!! Unless they hurt people.


  • Knows Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, and Orc
  • Spends most of their time in Spring season, unless something very dramatic or drastic happens to them
  • Currently in a Waterdeep campaign