Ceylon Padparadscha Sapphire



4 years, 3 months ago


Ceylon Padparadscha Sapphire



Gem Placement

Left Palm

Era Made

Era 2


Oracle Judge



MoHs Scale



Got for Free

An extremely sweet Sapphire who works as what is known as a “quick judge”. Using her future vision to glance into the distant future to determine a gem’s actions and decide if they deserve mercy or not. Her job in essence is that of life or death for most gems, if she sees bad deeds you’ll be gone in seconds who many gems hope that sees nothing but good for them. Thankfully, she only does this job on gems that have been accused of rebellion or crimes, which is pretty rare to begin with. Due to this, she has quite a lot of freetime, so finds herself gardening and taking care of a small garden not quite the size of Natural brown Sapphire’s garden, but still decent in size. Her job and her personality are so conflicting, many gems expect her to be a cruel mistress who takes pleasure out of the sentencing, but in reality she feels deep remorse for those she sends off to perish.

You'll shatter three gems in your future... I'm so sorry but I can't let that happen.

- Ceylon Padparadscha Sapphire

The Sunrise Court


  • Her garden doesn’t have a name but she likes to call it the Daybreak Garden in honor of her illustrious diamond.
  • While she isn’t very close with the other Sapphires of the court, she’ll more than often exchange gardening tips of Natural Brown.
  • Her job is mentally draining on her and even after one trial she needs to take an extended break, so at max she’ll have one trial a week.
  • She’s considerably higher ranking than her peers since she has the job of a judge, which is a very exclusive job in the court.