Quidel Benrii



Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Quidel: ‘Burning Torch’ - Native American / Mapuche || Benrii: From 'Benriya'; Name of the bodyguard duo from Gangsta

Preferred Name[s]:

Benrii, Ben


12 Solar Sweeps / ~25 Years




Pansexual Panromantic



Blood Colour:






Symbol Meaning:




Strife Specibus:



Freelance hitman, Domestic terrorist


Hive located in the lowblood district of Block 136



♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

A self-assured troll and serious megalomaniac, Benrii firmly believes that he is destined for greatness. With a fervent love for fate and destiny, he follows fortunes to the letter to ensure he never strays from the path that the gods have laid out for him. He loves to be the centre of attention, and gets jealous when people he considers to be below him are favoured by others. He's also addicted to praise and will do anything to receive any from the few trolls that may catch his attention. He's very self-absorbed, to the point where the words of others often don't upset or deter him as he has no interest in their lives whatsoever. Because of this, he can be very dismissive and has no qualms against insulting other people simply because they do not matter at all. 


  • Fate, destiny
  • Astrology, fortune telling, tarot cards
  • Explosives
  • Gambling
  • Fame and fortune, attention
  • Angels
  • Bath bombs
  • Escaping the 'box' of societal norms

Misc. Information:

  • He believes that he is fated to rise above the expectations of regular yellowbloods and even society itself, and it is his destiny to eliminate those who stand in his way. This desire to follow fate's whims is what lead him towards the path of terrorism.
  • His targets are usually those who have power within the city, such as gang members and trolls who Benrii believes are stronger than him. He'll also target random businesses and hivestem apartments, as if to send a 'message' to the real enemies.
  • He dresses outlandishly in order to get others to notice him, and to establish a certain look that people will remember him (and, by extension, his deeds) by.
  • Despite all his efforts, he has received no attention from the media, as his crimes are often attributed to the most well-known Masked Yellowblood due to their similar modus operandi.
  • His lusus neglected him emotionally as a child, which cause him to grow up to become very attention-starved. He's always trying to impress his lusus and get praised, and seeks fame and fortune above all else.
  • If he finds someone he's interested in, he'll do anything to receive their praise and attention.
  • He's infatuated with the concept of 'love at first sight', so if someone manages to leave a lasting impression on him, he won't leave them alone.
  • Apart from wanting attention from people, he has no interest in other trolls' lives. He finds other people to be boring and has no desire to get to know them personally.
  • His psiionics allow him to deliver electric pulses through his hands, similar to that of a defibrillator. The strength of these shocks are dependent on how much electricity he has stored up over time, and he is able to control the strength when he wants to.
  • He wears insulated gloves to prevent himself from accidentally zapping others, as his power is always active.
  • He's immune to his own psiionics, but not to electric shocks in general.
  • He can charge phones and other devices in seconds using his psiionics.
  • The bombs he uses for his strife specibus are all handmade. He likes to model them after everyday objects that are set to explode if someone were to touch them, then hide them in public places. He has a particular love for bombs shaped like apples due to their symbolic meaning.
  • He reads his horoscope daily to find out what actions he must take in order to follow what fate has set out for him.
  • He works as a freelance hitman to earn some extra cash, and runs an online bath bomb business (with an emphasis on 'bomb') as well.
  • His eyes are naturally bright red with a reddish sclera, so he wears contacts to make sure that no one mistakes him for a poorly-disguised mutant. He likes to think that being hatched which strange eyes proves that he was always supposed to be special.
  • He has supernaturally good luck. He attributes this to fate smiling down upon him.
  • He's very flexible.
  • He hates glitter bombs, and glitter in general. He considers them to be an insult to his craft.
  • He likes puns, particularly ones related to his interests, but he's not very good at wordplay so any puns he makes are unintentional.