Cathrin Sorge



4 years, 4 months ago



Cathrin Sorge

resourcefull . stubborn . secretive . jealous

Called Cat, Rin-rin (childhood)
Gender Female
Age 26
DoB October 26
Height 172 cm
Weight 65 kg
Affiliation Military
Former Division Cadet Corps
Graduation Rank 5th
Current Division Medical
Status Alive
Theme Song Blood//Water


  • Birdwatching- Cat keeps a small notebook filled with hurried sketches and random notes about any interesting bird she sees.
  • Card games- her older brother taught her how to play. She only does this to kill time and never bets anything of great value in them.
  • Mistery novels- she likes to figure things out along with their protagonists.
  • Feverfew and ginger tea- it helps with her migraines.


  • Alcohol- she's scared of it messing with her sense of balance.
  • Loud noises and loud people in general- Hange Zoe is the sole exception from this rule, having been a close friend to Cat's older brother.
  • Gossip- since most things that fall under this cathegory turn out to be complete lies ( or "blown-out-of-proportion-truths"). She often reffers to it as "air pollution". She thinks she's being clever, she's really not.


Cathrin was born the second and last child of a small family of merchants, the Sorges, a few years after her brother Victor. Cathrin loved her older brother and looked up him as her role model in life- that was why, after turning 13, Cathrin intended to follow in his footsteps and run away from home in order to join the Scout Regiment. Her parents found out about this plan and, because they were unable to talk her out of it, decided to make a deal with her instead: Cathrin could enroll in the Military as long as she stayed in the top 10 cadets and joined the Military Police after graduation. Cat agreed, planning to break the promise and join the Scouts.

Her determination started to waver after Victor died in an expedition, only a few weeks before she was supposed to finish training. It caused Cathrin episodeds of insomnia, loss of apetite, extreme fatigue and it eventually culminated with her losing control of her 3D manuvering gear during training and getting a nasty head injury. Aside from a scar on the side on her head, the injury was also accompanied by vertigo.

Had she taken a long rest afterwards no further complication should have arised. However, being the stubborn person she was, Cat forced herself to continue training even harder than before. Following the last day of training in the Cadet Corps, Cathrin lost all her sense of balance and was unable to raise from her bed for days on end. After examining her condition, a doctor from Wall Sina gave the final verdict: the vertigo was bound to return was she to make any sudden movements. Cat was forced to leave the Military before she could even choose a regiment to join, and was given a cane to help herself keep her balance.

Her sudden expulsion from the Military attracted the animosity of her former comrades, who thought she had a last minute change of heart and was faking everything. The only person who really vistied Cathrin during this difficult time period was Hange Zoe, who had been a close friend of Victor's.

Roughly one year after leaving the Military, Cat was still too scared to let go of her cane for even a split second. Her parents, having had enough of their daughter "acting like a cripple" told her the truth. The doctor's diagnosis was fake: they had paid him in order to lie and say her vertigo was a permanent condition, being afraid of losing their only remaining child to the titans.

To say Cathrin was enraged at the news was an understatement. She reasoned that, deep down, her family had good intentions- but still, she couldn't just forgive their deceit.

After a lot of arguing, her parents talked to the same doctor yet again. It was too late to take the diagnosis back (the Sorges and the doctor could have been easily accused of treason and executed for putting their own well being above that of humanity). However, the doctor agreed to help Cat join the one part of the Military that did not require any form of combat whatsoever: the Medical branch. (In exchange for a decent sum of money, of course).

Despite the unethical way she obtained her job, Cat took her duties very seriously. She never let go of her cane afterward though, even while knowing she didn't truly need it. Maybe she kept it as a reminder of her stupidity, maybe she was trying to keep up the appearances of a "permanent vertigo"... or maybe she just had it modified so it would double as a sword. Perhaps it was a bit of everything in the end.



Erwin Smith

Love Interest

Although they have always been vaguely aware of each other’s existence, Erwin and Cathrin only officially met during a somber occasion- in the cemetery, while Cathrin was bringing flowers to her brother’s grave. Erwin initially approached Cat thinking she may need assiantace with getting up from near the grave- but the situation took an unexpected turn.

After what Erwin found to be a most intriguing discussion about mourning, the commander was very surprised to find that Cathrin hadn’t blamed him for Victor’s death for even a second.

That is how it all began.

Cathrin and Erwin met again on several occasions, slowly finding out they quite enjoyed conversing with the other, even if their ideas didn’t always align. Cathrin even brought him medicinal tea every now and again, just as an extra excuse to talk to him- and Erwin graciously pretended not to notice anything since he quite enjoyed the company.

Hange was stoked to find all of this out, and has been trying to get the two in an official relationship ever since, insisting they would make a great pair.


Hange Zoe

Close Friend

After her brother died, Cathrin had an extremely difficult time. Having a strained relationship with her parents and having her ex-comrades turn their backs on her, Cathrin felt lonelier than ever, consumed by despair - then Hange appeared, seemingly out of thin air.

The two of them had never met in person before, but they knew of each other from Victor’s stories. As it turns out, Victor had also asked Hange to take care of his younger sister if he were to fall in battle- and Hange made sure she did just that.

It was awkward at first, but Hange was stubborn. It took some time and a lot of emotional healing, but the two became very close- and, although Hange could be extremely loud at times (and insisted on using the nickname Rin-Rin for her), Cathrin couldn’t have asked for someone better to be her friend.


Victor Sorge✝️

Older Brother

Victor always had an easy going personality and pleasant presence. It was nearly impossible not to get along with him. His gentle disposition also suited Hange's energy surprisingly well- Victor had no problem listening to her excited rambling about titans for hours on end, smile never leaving his face- and Hange took full advantage of this fact.

Aside from being kind, Victor was a skilled figter, having graduated 3rd from the Training Corps. He usually did his best to assist others in battle, even if that meant putting himself at great risk. On the day he died, he had jumped in, once again, in an attempt his comrades- but he wasn't fast enough this time around.

Cathrin was devastated at the news of him passing away. She kept imagining how horrid his death must have been, and then ended up imagining herself in his place- it was all too much for her mind to take..