Clancy Westin



4 years, 4 months ago



Clancy Westin

pronouns He/Him
orientation Asexual (Sex-Repulsed), Panromantic
age ~8.5 Sweeps
blood color Bronze (AC5500)
occupation Rebel/Vigilante
lusus Giant Stag


height 5'10"
weight Lightweight
species Troll

Clancy looks and feels roughed-up. From the silver, prosthetic antler to the horrible scar underneath his long glove, he is clearly damaged.

design notes

  • The colored strands in Clancy's braid are made of yarn, and each represents someone who has helped him in his life.
  • His tattoo was drawn on by Conius.


strife specibus BrassKnucklekind
fetch modus Smoke Modus
godtier Prince of Doom
lunar sway Derse
trolltag acerbicCogency [AC]

  • Clancy's typing quirk involves a prefix of ( and suffix of )> oxo. He uses proper sentence case.
  • He likes being alone, smoking, the quiet, and the rain.
  • He dislikes his scars and injuries, crowded places, and being told what to do.
( Stop fucking looking at this. )> oxo


With a debilitating fear of death and perhaps an even worse fear of the unknown, Clancy will do literally anything to protect his loved ones.


Clancy is loyal to a fault- he will fight, or even kill for the people he loves. His personality is bitter and terse. He is quick on the attack, aggressive and almost violent at times. He is extremely headstrong and active, his temper extremely easy to upset. He is passionate and emotional, perhaps too much so. Clancy has very strong morals and is very enthusiastic about protecting them. If you agree with him, then you classify as an ally. If you betray his trust, you will never hear the end of it.


Clancy was a pretty normal bronze up until one night, when he was coming home from helping someone rebuild part of their home following a drone attack, and he saw another lowblood getting the shit kicked out of him by a bunch of highbloods. As you can imagine, a bronze fighting a bunch of highbloods doesn't go very well. He got his shit kicked in, but not without giving them a bit of a roughing up (and permanently scarring one of them with one of his horns.) As punishment, they snapped his horn and beat him into the ground, leaving him unable to stand or even fight. With his pride broken, they left him there on the ground to die. He was rescued by Tumari, who practically had to nurse him back to health. As he recovered, Clancy developed a very bitter personality and was very vocal about his disdain for the hemospectrum as a whole, and eventually, when Tumari offered the chance to him, joined his rebellion.



Tumari Cestus

Tumari practically nursed Clancy back to health following his incident. He is incredibly important to the bronze, and Clancy considers him one of his most important allies.


Izmera Calico

Izzy's incredibly flirty attitude is enough to grate on Clancy's nerves. Despite his irritability towards the jadeblood, he respects him and his ability to navigate the world despite how cruel it is to those in his shoes.


Tyrius Lanove

Tyrius has built up a lot of Clancy's trust. As a fellow member of the rebellion, he is on Clancy's good side and the bronze really values him as a friend and companion.


( Maybe one day we'll be able to take them all down once and for all. )> oxo