Lín Zhì Háo



4 years, 4 months ago


  • Lín Zhì Háo-林智豪

  • Age 52 years old
  • Pronouns He/They
  • Race Bird Spirit
  • Role Guardian
  • Alternate Names Zenith, Lin Yīn

 "Please don't sigh; I dance another song with my feelings for you in disorder and confusion"

A bird spirit who sought out immortality and achieved it, only to be sealed away by a cultivator of green eyes. Having being freed in the 21st century, Zhì Háo learns to get used to a world that he inhabits. He currently works as an informant and trainerto a small group of interesting individuals who use their power for good. Though the changes of the world he used to know is far removed from what he could have expected, Zhì Háo views this interesting world in his own eyes...the golden eyes.

Through surprising circumstances, he fell in love and now has two human children with a woman he loves dearly. Motivated to give his family a normal life, he dirties his hands once more to ensure that they wouldn't not be harmed by those who want to target him or his family.


DoB: 16/05/1628(True birth) - 16/05/1989 (Release from seal) - 16/05/1968("Documented")
Origin: China
Role:Mentor, informant
Colours: Gold, Black, Red
Current Concern: Can't seem to stop buying lollipops
  • Candy
  • Painting
  • Shiny things
  • Deep fried lotus root
  • Guns
  • Cats
  • Lamb meat






Work Ethic




A Young Bird Longs for What He Desires

Zhì Háo was a bird spirit who sought out to have a human form, and was finally able to cultivate that form. Though he was not human, he pretended to be as such and played with humans as if he was a normal human being. He consumed information that belonged to texts and teachings, furthering the illusion of his humanity among humans. He travelled through different cities and villages, slowly absorbing the knowledge of humans and continuing that illusion. His abilities of mimicking human voices and acting as different personalities made it difficult to track down his origins and identity...though persons that attempted to dig into his past would find themselves missing their belongings, clothes or jewels in the morning. Zhì Háo didn't feel the need to murder, only to send a message that he wanted to be lefted alone and to exist as he was.

Zhì Háo made friends with other bird spirits; Chén Fēn, Jié Jīng and Jiā Hé. The three bird spirits were acting as children to two stronger bird spirits; Zhì Yáng and Fāng Mù. Zhì Háo found their need for a family to be interesting, as they mimicked the humans that Zhì Háo also found interesting. It made him long for a family of his own someday, and the "parents" adopted him into their family, becoming mentors of sorts to him and his "siblings."

For a few years, life with those five had been peaceful, but death was rarely peaceful for them. The five spirits were accused of being malicious spirits who prey on human beings, and eventually hunted down and killed. Zhì Háo escaped, with his right eye missing and a mournful heart as he flew as far as he could. Zhì Háo found it difficult to interact with others for a while, mourning the deaths of the spirits he cared for.

The Cultivator and the Bird Spirit

During a visit to a village, Zhì Háo met a strange individual. A cultivator withgreen eyes, tasked to fight some sort of evil spirit that was troubling the village. Zhì Háo, ever the curious one, decided to aid the cultivator in secret. When the spirit was exorcised, the cultivator gave Zhì Háo thanks. An unlikely friendship formed, and although the likes of Zhì Háo were usually persecuted and viewed negatively, the cultivator was kind to Zhì Háo. In return, Zhì Háo would aid them in missions in secret and would be their companion.

One day, while Zhì Háo and the cultivator were travelling, tragedy struck the city they were visiting. A family within the city was brutally murdered in a way that only a monster could kill, the only survivors being a daughter and an infant. One of the cultivator's sect members came to investigate with them, though Zhì Háo kept his indentity as vague as possible and pretended to be a civilian. During the night, Zhì Háo encountered the source of the tragedy---a monster who had taken the form of a human just like Zhì Háo. Zhì Háo and this monster fought, Zhì Háo concealing his identity by changing his appearance to fight without the fear of his identity being revealed. Zhì Háo had defeated the monster, but the cultivator mistook Zhì Háo for the monster and the sight of the monster's blood on his clothes did little to prove his innocence. To his sorrow and to his friend's despair, he once again escaped and ran away. From that day on, he was to be hunted on sight

A few months would pass before Zhì Háo met the green eyed cultivator again. His friend was elated to see him once more, but knew that their friendship could not last. Zhì Háo had time to think, and part of his mind decided that he no longer desired to be around humans. He dubbed himself as an unlucky being, but his friend would not have it. Zhì Háo still could not find the will to keep running, so as a final sign of friendship, the green eyed cultivator offered to seal him away to give him peace. Zhì Háo accepted, thanking his friend for what is essentially a temporary death and was sealed away deep within a cave for a rest. Zhì Háo would no longer be hunted, and his friend would pretend as if he slayed his dear friend to his peers.

Awaken Once more

Years passed, and Zhì Háo was released from his seal as the power of his long gone friend had faded. No longer was it the era he was born, but instead 1989. He ventured out into the world again, relearning the ways of humans in this new era and eventually blended into society as he did before. He met multiple interesting characters; a dragon from Europe pretending to be human and his friend and brother, the descendant of his dear friend, and a woman named Serena Noble. He and Serena soon fell in love, having a marriage to bond their lives together.

Zhì Háo feared that the children Serena would bear wouldn't be human, and thus began finding a way to ensure that he could offer his wife human children. Though difficult, she birthed a human son that they named Zhi Wen. Roughly a decade later, they decided to move to where Serena grew up; Canada. There, she birthed their daughter; Chun Wen. He had finally been given a family to call his own, heavily protective over his wife and children as to avoid the perils of his life before.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
