Hiko's Comments

Hi Hi! I saw this bab in your "sell/trade" folder, so I assumed they where UFO,  but lmk if they aren't ^^

I can give multiple ppl from this link except for maybe cupid and lucillia :") 

-(i need to ask for trading perms for kamala&dawn, and Widow because their designer has a very strict tos ^^;;)

-i don't recommend clicking thru the folders :"0

I can also offer amino coins if you can hold, and art- I believe I showed you it before 

(also, I'm almost finished with the art for Neppie! I just need to finish 2 fullbodies, and render all of it later :D)

or 10.5 k amino coins if you can hold for maybe a week ? :O

if I don't get this chara then best of wishes to whoever gets em <3

His ab :$40 would be 20k ac with my $$ to ac conversion of $1=500ac 

ooh okay sorry, I was using a converter based on the prices in the coin store:")

It’s okay 

It’s okay 

anyone in my toyhouse? dilnyans + milkdoes off limits

I liked jess ness and choachella i could add anouther character for coachella 

i can do jess :)

Aaaa i like her can i just consider i know i alwats say that sorry  its just someone offered $30 qwq also do u know her worth owo

np, i did a custom + ac for her

Hey ima have to decline your offer as i dont think i will use her as much sorry

1 Replies

https://toyhou.se/acidfairy/characters would you trade anything for them? i could do multiple!

Didnt see anyone sorry qwq

Do you take offers on them ? Also anyone in my TH interest you for them ?

He is for offer and i liked tamashi

I could do Tamashi as a trade if you’d like 🤔

Alright i will highly cinsider do u kniw his wortg?

36$ USD

I can also offer 25$ flat out and maybe a custom OC

dam why didnt angelrose accept this this is a good ass offer

Eh idk tbh

8 Replies

hello! are you interested in anyone in my th? i could also offer art,,

I’m sorry I didn’t see anyone qwq

alright that's totally fine, thank u!!


Anyone in my th interest you for this baby?

Sorry I didn’t see anyone qwq