Trevor Cordell



7 years, 8 months ago


~in need of an update~ Name: Trevor Cordell Part in band: Back up Drummer Band nickname: The White Rabbit Age: 18 Zodiac sign: Scorpio Birthday: November 21st Eye color: Red Hair color: White Grade: Sophmore in high school Guardian: Brother, parents died in house fire when he was 10 on the 20th of november. Favorite color: Blue Favorite food: Chocolate Favorite activity(ies): writing songs, listening to the world, playing the drums, being with his brother(doesn’t tend to admit it), singing(doesn’t let most people hear his voice, though he has a very good voice(like ziggy)), talking to his friend deven, watching tv on most occasions, walking thru the park, Personality: Rebellious, ignores, rejects what's given, distant, unmotivated, closed, guarded, uncaring, unfeeling, rejects change, gloomy, thoughtless at times, cooperative, courageous, rude depending on the person, decisive, devoted, determined, does what is necessary at times, perseveres, endures, but if the subject is “special” he relents, gives up, enthusiastic at times but tends to try not to show it, kept back, tight, constricting, life can't be trusted, lack of faith in self, faith in others depending on the person, stubborn, spiteful, scattered, controlling (when he can be), frugal, thrifty (non wasteful), generous, ill-will, malice, hatred(to most people), grateful, hard-working, honest( depending on the topic, but a pretty bad liar), humble, interested, involved, jealous, envious, covetous, uncaring(depending on the person), immature, modest, narrow,close, small-minded,intolerant, optimistic, perfects, persistent, sustaining, negative, impractical, punctual, realistic, reliable, disrespectful, rude, impolite, blames others, responsible, responsive, lack of self confidence, insecure, self-directed, self-disciplined, self-esteem, confidence - low, self-centered, dependent(depending), selfless(depending on the topic, objects not so much, people, depending on the person), sensitive, serious, sincere(depending), social independence, sympathetic, systematic, insists on own view, suspicious, mistrusting, affected, willing does, work-oriented. History: Parents died when he was 10 in a house fire, no one knows the cause, he survived the fire with severe burns which he retains scars on his left shoulder, left side, and both his hands. He started living with his brother after the incident when ziggy was about 15. Ziggy dropped out of school to take care of him soon after when he turned 16 he started a band with most of his friends, naming it animal bones. Trevor developed a love for playing the drums, but the band already had a drummer. Yet, the drummer of the band tends to miss most of the band’s concerts and rehearsals, giving Trevor a chance to play with his brother and the rest of the band members, giving him the nickname The White Rabbit for the costume he wears and how many times he’s not in the concert being the one to “run away”. He also enjoys singing, sometimes when listening to his music he’ll accidentally be singing and not even know it. He tends to keep his voice to himself, the only person who mostly hears his singing is his older brother ziggy, because they live in the same house.