


4 years, 4 months ago


This is so jumbled but

Katsumi Yasutake


Nicknames- Sumi

Birthday- November 15th

Age- 20

Height - 5'6"


Sign- Scorpio


Height- 165 cm


Blood Type- AB

Relatives- Aunt, Brother, Absent Father


Music Symbol- Mordant

Unit - BeWitch

Talent- Observation


Personality –

Despite her grace and appeal on the stage, behind the curtains Katsumi is often seen as blunt, rude and cunning as a weasel. She has a very powerful and confidant aura and personality, and it is often difficult to tell what she’s thinking or what’s going through her mind to even her good friends save the closest among them, and she tends to be very conniving at times. However, despite these short comings, she tends to be very considerate of others, and it is evident she cares a great deal for her friends and would go to any length to see them protected. Having worked hard for everything she has, she knows how to get what she’s after and is generally very organized and on task. She hates being pitied, however, and refuses to be a charity case. She despises the entitled but generally tries to treat everyone with the same respect until she deems them unworthy of it any longer.
She tends to be very good at teaching herself how to do things, and has quick turn around results. She rarely looses her cool, and while she likes to tease others, she rarely loses her cool and is generally well meaning.

















The entitled


Being pitied


Loud noises she isn’t prepared for





  • Grew up in a happy household until her parents died in an accident when she was 12 and her brother was 1
  • Grew up with her Aunt to take care of her
  •  She and her brother are her life
  • They didn’t have a lot of money so she worked hard to help her aunt support her and her brother
  •  Did everything she could to get good grades and hope for opportunities later in life
  •  The one real pleasure she allowed herself was her school activities when she had time, often participating in musicals at her school and enjoying her singing (and being quite good at it as well)
  • Had also taken gymnastics and ballet before her parents passed away and continued to practice even if she wasn’t able to attend regular classes.
  •  Despite not being wealthy, she and her family lived happily
  •  Until she learned the reality of her birth
  •  Katsumi would eventually be exposed to the fact that she was not the daughter of who she thought she was. 
  • She was informed that she and her brother shared different fathers, her brother being the son of the man Katsumi thought was also her biological father
  •  In reality, Katsumi was the child of Katsumi’s mother’s first love, who disappeared on her mother before she was born
  • Katsumi, shocked, became curious about her origins at that point, but also devastated by the news, believe herself to be an unwanted child on her father’s part, and becoming angry with him for abandoning her mother. 
  • Eventually found him out after much searching, identifying him as an industry bigwig.
  • Dreamed of getting closer to him, to see what he was about and maybe one day why he did it.
  • She wanted to meet him as a stranger.
  • So she began working towards entering the entertainment industry, determined to confront him one day
  • Eventually formed a small band with a small group of friends
  • Ended up beveling herself to be in love with one of the members, and believed he felt the same
  • Forgot about her troubles for the first time in a while
  • Until it was clear he used her as a steppingstone, he and his friends using her skills to land a deal before leaving her in the dust for fame and other women, calling her average at best
  • Jokes on him after her glow up
  • But she became disillusioned, having felt abandoned and used by those around her
  • Fell into a pit of distrust, but wasn't about to give up. Wanted to show everyone what they had lost in leaving her behind
  • Continued on with her intentions, determined to show her father, her former love and her late parents of her worth.


  • Despite being renowned for her beauty, Katsumi claims she wasn't very pretty until she hit about 16 when she blossomed. She has issues with people complimenting her appearance due to feelings of superficiality as a result
  • She has serious trust issues, and believes people are just out for their own benefit. Despite this, she still shows extreme consideration for the people around her, and gives equal amounts of respect to everyone. 
  • She doesn't really care what people think of her, which can be a problem sometimes.
  • Shes terrified of failure and betrayal, which is part of why she likes to do things herself and avoid making too many friends. Shes afraid of giving too much and losing everything because of it again.
  • Part of her anger is misdirected to her mother for never telling her about her situation and for 'abandoning" her and her brother so early 
  • She thought she was in love once when she was young, as she worked with a young man in a small band but was used as a stepping stone, being ditched without a thought when an offer for him and not her came in from a major company.
  • Given her composure and confidence, shes usually the first to jump to the defense of her friends, not afraid of conflict in the least. She tends to divert any issues away from friends and towards her to help protect them. shes an iron shield
  • She used to practice MMA and tries to keep up with her training and physique at the very least. Shes very able as a result of her training