Corruption Avatar-Sona



4 years, 7 months ago


My avatar-sona for TMA, affiliated with the Corruption!

Introduced to the world of the supernatural after witnessing an attack of an unfortunate victim of the Eye. Proceeds to go through a depressing spiral of events involving them being marked by the Eye, Spiral, and Lonely before finally finding their home in the Corruption.

Fungus and Mushroom-based avatar. Loves decomposers and keeps company with lots of woodlice. Very defensive of their domain and everything to do with it, and is absolutely over the moon about delving into avatarhood. Does what they have to to feed their god, but tries their best to be as merciful as they can. Would never starve themself of fear, but tries to keep themself in check. Won't pressure anyone about joining them either, but will gladly preach about their love of the mother rot for hours on end.

Eventually starts to go all out with their feeding methods. Builds up a cult housed far out in the countryside, build upon the ideals of hedonism and indulgence. Whispers sweet nothings to their followers and encourages them to partake in whatever they desire, and in that same breath will shame them and make them feel disgusting for their actions and appearances. Feeds upon their disgust and loathing, their fear of what they're becoming. Followers who try to escape are used to feed the beautiful forest around them.