Anoixé Naresaki



4 years, 4 months ago


🌈Anoixé Naresaki🌈
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞 : Bunny
𝐀𝐠𝐞 : 222 years
𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 : 𝟷45𝚌𝚖(without ears)
𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 : 49𝚔𝚐
𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞 : Katagoïstes' leader

Katagoïstes' leader • Panromantic • Pansexual

She's purity embodied. She has magical handcuffs.
Anoixé was born 222 years ago in Epta in Yokubo with very poor parents. They loved her very much but her parents were forced to sell her to survive and at the same time to give to their daughter a better future. But it was the exact opposite, indeed the couple who bought it were mad scientists wanting to test the artificial injection of magic. Obviously their multiple experiences were a failure and each of them weakened Anoixé. When she was 19, her life was hanging by a thread.
While she was going to undergo what was for her the last suffering before death, she prayed. She prayed for anything, the thing that created everything, the thing who is the origins of everything. She asked it to save her, to save her parents. In short, that she can recover her life of yesteryear. At that moment, a rainbow flash took place in the cell where she was tied by the wrists and ankles. She was blinded and took a long time before she could discern a Puma who seemed young in front of her, who radiated the room with beneficial magic. . She slowly raised her head with a glimmer of hope.
"Who are you?" She said with a weak voice. She could see clearly the Puma, it was about 1m70 and wore gray clothes, he smiled at her.
"Someone who is there to help you, don't worry everything is fine now" she gradually felt her wounds heal, she also recovered colors. She expressed an extremely sincere silent thanks. At the same time its two holders arrived in haste, noticing the strange gleam which had now disappeared. They immediately threw lightning at the stranger.
"Who are you?" Said the man armed with a small sword. Lightning fell to the ground before it even reached the Puma. "The Creation, I created everything."
"Nonsense!" Said the woman who threw herself on him, she disappeared immediately.
"Yes, and I am not happy. I don't tolerate violence, so I came to correct you." He made the couple disappear and looked at Anoixé again.
"I'm going to free you from these chains," he said, smiling.
"Let me my handcuff please ... As a memory of that moment," she said weakly despite the fact that she had recovered her strength.
"Very good" the chains were cut and the handcuffs were loosened slightly.
"My name is Soutsu and I am Creation, there's also the other part with us, Okora, who is my girlfriend. We are together THE Creation". She looked a little stunned but at the same time she was not surprised.
"M-thank you, I don't know how to thank you .." his voice gradually regained strength.
"Absolutely nothing" he touched his handcuffs and went to the rainbow in a short instant
"Use them to protect you or call me if necessary" he said gently as they teleported to the ground -of the road. The whole house was transformed to adapt to the tastes of the young woman.
"There you go, have a good life and don't forget to do good" said Creation, smiling, he disappeared after these words. Anoixé created a worship worshiping Creation a few years later: Katagoism. It spread all over the planet Yokubo, but this cult is still extremely minor. She never saw her missing parents again.

Stats (eyes closed)








Mental Resistance (various)


  • Anoixé has no ref, but you can find some images of her in his page. And she ALWAYS close her eyes.

