Oliver The Cauliflower Farmer



4 years, 4 months ago


name: Oliver or Ollie

gender: male

species: duck

edits: hair floof

accessories: N/A

favorite food and why?:
Isnt is obvious?!? Cauliflower! I mean, it is on his shirt. This is how it became his favourite:
One day, Ollie was out on the farm, picking corn and plucking wheat. When suddenly, he saw this white veggie, that reminded him of broccoli but white! He nibbled a bit of it, it wasn't bad. He tried more and it was incredible! He now eats this almost every night, he roasts it, puts it on the side and more! Now he grows a whole field full of cauliflower. He nurtures it, and feeds it the best soil in town, he knows if he should have something good everyone else should have something good, too. So he sells it to the townspeople for a cheap price. Cauliflower is a beloved vegatable in the town of Sparks, and it's all because of Ollie!

Oliver is gay, and he is proud to be gay, too!