06. Nanin Lavellan



7 years, 8 months ago



Nanin "Randy" Lavellan




Race: Elf | Qunari [While operating as "Hissrad"]
Role: Ben-Hassrath Spy [Former] | Inquisition Spy [Former] | Drake's Nest mercenary
Specialty: Shadow | Tempest
Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 5'7" | 170.2cm
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Marital Status: Taken


  • The Dalish
  • Lavellan Clan (Previous)
  • Qunari (Previous)
  • The Qun (Previous)
  • Ben-Hassrath (Previous)
  • The Iron Bull's Chargers (Previous)
  • The Inquisition (Previous)
  • Drake's Nest


  • Tal-Vashoth (Previous)
  • Tevinter Imperium (Previous)
  • Qunari
  • Agents of Fen'Harel



Randy has a quick wit and a sharp tongue. He has an answer for just about everything and prefers to keep his distance with people. He doesn't like revealing too much about himself and would rather tell lies about who he is or tall tales. However, he does add a touch of the truth to his stories but he'd never admit it. He's observant and interested in other people however. Mostly about who they are and what their true motives are. This tends to rub people the wrong way but he doesn't really care. However, once you get past his rough exterior and he lets you get to know him, you learn he's very insecure and unsure. He's deeply troubled by the death of his entire clan, his clanmates abandoning him for the Grey Wardens, losing his best friends and potential love interest, and is widely unsure about his devotion to the Qun. He'll admit behind closed doors and a place where he feels safe but wouldn't openly suggest them with anyone around, he knows that someone is always listening for secrets.

Randy is also a very vengeful individual and has an immense rage. He claims this is the "Will of Mythal", often excusing it as a blessing she bestowed on him and his friends. Though it's entirely uncertain if this is in fact true. Randy does have the ability to slip between shadows and remain unseen unless he deems otherwise. He also uses his rage to fuel is strength in a fight where he might in fact look like he could very well lose. Randy claims to be the "Anger of Mythal" for her anger is the only thing that people will never fully suspect. Instead of using this anger for his own needs, Randy uses it for the sake of his friends and loved ones. However seeing it happen is an odd phenomenon. Something from only tales but if you ask him, he won't give you a straight answer about it. Randy's rage is both good for those he loves and detrimental towards himself. Only the future knows where his anger might lead him.


Randy claims to have been born in the Anderfels but he was really born in a Dalish Clan traveling somewhere in the Dales. He had a couple of close friends, Taerian and Ghen, who kept him company and usually caused trouble with him. He was a pretty good hunter for the clan until one day his clan was nearly killed by a few religious zealots that hated elves. So he and a few of his remaining clan members, his two friends included, managed to get out of Orlais and into the Free Marches. Once there, the remaining group split up. Taerian and Ghen left with a group of Grey Wardens to Amaranthine, the closest stronghold from where they were in the Free Marches, and most of their clansmen joined them but Randy was convinced that the humans needed to pay for what they did. So he kept traveling north until he ran into a group of Qunari and became a convert; hoping that they'd understand his need for revenge against those that wronged him.

About several years later, after accepting the teachings of the Qun and being reeducated and repurposed, Randy joined the Qunari as 'Hissrad' -- which translates to 'liar'. This is where he started to try and become someone new; the aloof asshole that everyone kinda hates. He didn't leave Seheron for almost three years after joining the Ben-Hassrath and when he did, he sought out the people that murdered his clan and killed them... after collecting useful information about Orlais. His operations in Orlais were limited to being around The Dales and Val Royeaux. He then continued to operate in Orlais, where he ran into The Iron Bull. He eventually became a Charger, getting along with all the members and enjoying the camaraderie with everyone. Being around Bull and his friends made him think of his clansmen. As a few months passed, Randy ran into his old clansmen again and they tried to catch up on what they've been up to but Randy changed so much that they had a hard time finding common ground.

So that in mind, Randy left for Seheron again to try to figure himself out. He arrived to join the Inquisition just as they arrived and settled into Skyhold. Since then, he's been working with Leliana to try and acquire more information on the specific targets Corypheus was going after. For example: learning more about Empress Celene's court -- her close advisors to the elven servants -- or learning more about the Grey Wardens' movements and absence, and even more about the Red Templars and their ranks.

He's stayed out of most of the fighting while with the Inquisition, preferring to be the eyes and ears for his friends rather than an extra sword. He aided the Inquisitor and Leliana in whatever Dalish matters arose -- having remembered quite a bit of his heritage from his youth. He often spoke of Mythal so highly and often that he and Solas got into heated arguments. After sometime, he had a falling out with the Iron Bull and formally departed from the Chargers to join Alison Crest's Drake's Nest. After Corypheus' death, he spent his time helping Alison operate in the Western Approach and built a good standing with her. He returned with her and the other Inquisition soldiers to Halamshiral for the Exalted March. He and Bull had a few moments where they butt heads but he kept to himself as much as he could. Upon hearing that the Qunari were responsible for various attacks and oddities occurring during the Exalted Council's hearings, Randy asserted himself into learning more about these Qunari. He informed the Inquisitor and her advisors that these Qunari could be a defacto group or working on their own agenda, being out of contact with the Ben-Hassrath, he wasn't sure what to make of it. However, he did help the Inquisitor deal with them and freeing the dragon they had captured and attempted to take down The Viddasala but almost got himself killed trying to fight her saarebas. He was saved by a few agents of Fen'Harel and returned to Halamshiral to recover from his injuries.

After the Inquisition's disbandment, Randy vowed to aid the Inquisitor by trying to learn more these Agents of Fen'Harel that served Solas. He was curious about the dedication they have as well as why they serve the Dread Wolf. Randy knows he's probably looking more into this than he should but he just wants more answers than questions. He's also trying to learn more about how far the Dread Wolf's spy network is cast and is looking into everywhere that the elves in Thedas had once occupied. He's truthfully unsure what to think of Solas being the Dread Wolf and does find that the war between him and the Enuvaris interesting however. He wants to now more about the details of the war, possibly to gain insight on the elves that work for the Dread Wolf himself. Rumor has it, he's seen mostly in Minrathous trying to get as much information as he and his agents can provide.



Warden Taerian Lavellan

[ Clanmate ]
One of Randy's best and closest friends since they were kids. Randy and Taerian, with his sister's help, all trained together to be hunters and always getting into some kind of trouble. Before the clan was nealy killed by some Orlesians, Randy and Taerian were really close amd were often teased every now and then by Ghen. When they met again several years later, Taerian felt vrushed that Randy wasn't the same man he knew as a kid. When they did try to catch up, Randy and Taerian had a hard time trying to find common ground and weren't able to reconnect. Though the two do feel a heartache for one another but there's nothing they can do about it.

Warden Ghen Lavellan

[ Clanmate ]
Another close and best friend of Randy's when he was a kid. Randy and Taerian always treated Ghen like another one of the boys. So with that mentality, she usually acted like one around them. As they grew older however, Ghen realized her brother and Randy were close and had feelings for one another. She was kind of saddened by how much Randy changed after they met one another several years later. She felt worse that Taerian's hopes were for nothing as well.

The Iron Bull

[ Friend ]
Someone Randy looks up to and has a deep admiration for. Bull might be one of the few people that Randy will be himself around though, he's not even sure about it himself. Eventually, sometime after meeting Bull, Randy called him 'Hahren', because of the numerous stories he could tell and always had. Bull made Randy feel welcomed within his new clan and he hasn't regretted it. However, after joining the Inquisition, the two have a continuous backlash towards one another. Randy claims that the Qun only answers some of the questions it demands from its followers and the two are usually heard arguing about the philosophy. According to the Chargers, it hadn't gotten bad until recently. When Bull decided to put the Qun before his clan, Randy took offense to it and hasn't been too friendly towards Bull since. The two used to have a pretty open relationship before joining the Inquisition as well, however it ceased to exist after Randy arrived at Skyhold.

Cremisus "Krem" Alcassi

[ Friend ]
Randy's closest friend and someone he's always looking out for. Randy loves to tease Krem and give him a hard time. The two are often joking about Bull and offering to help the Inquisitor when and if she needs their assistance. According to Randy, Krem owes him numerous life debts, something which has apparently alluded Krem or he hasn't noticed. The most recent debt is saving him and the Chargers from being killed by Venatori mages. Randy usually calls Krem "Lethallin" and brags that Krem is in fact one of the only "shems" he doesn't have a grudge against. Which is untrue.

The Chargers

[ Friend ]
Randy loves the Chargers and is quite friendly with each of them. He has nicknames for each, often calling them all Lethallin/Lethallan or some other endearing elven term. He thinks of them as his new clan, something that took him a long time to realize. He was upset with Bull's decision to let them go for the sake of the Qun and risked his life to save them all. To this day, he still sees them as his family but he cannot be among them anymore since Bull still leads them. He left the Chargers after the death of Corypheus and hasn't coped too well with it since. He writes and keeps in touch with everyone though.

Alison Crest

[ Friend ]
At first, Randy was interested the stories around her -- a human being able to transform into a dragon, then the infamous bit about a templar using magic. He was sure that the Qunari would be interested in dealing with her but he also learned that she could probably take on more of his former kin than she probably knew. His interest in learning about her actually developed in a friendship he wanted to explore. He wasn't expecting to find someone who was as deeply troubled as he was and torn about his faith and dedication. Although Alison didn't directly effect his decisions later, she did have some influence. Randy grew to respect and admire Alison the way he did with the Iron Bull. Later, he offered to join her Drake's Nest and hasn't left her side since. Alison is one of few people he'll openly lie to and tries his best not to tick of Draco -- though he's actually unaware of what Draco is or does. He just knows dragons are not the friendliest creatures but he's glad this one's on their side.


[ Friend ]
Randy wanted to know more about Fayde because of his orders from the Ben-Hassrath, however he later disregarded his orders to actually educate Fayde into what had happened during his slumber. Randy learned that Fayde and him weren't too different, aside from their appearance and appreciation towards elves. He's always rooting for Fayde to out-elf Solas every time they butt heads. Eventually though, Randy opens up to Fayde and the two become close friends. They share a love for the idea of righting wrongs and redemption. Fayde often advises Randy to think through whatever situation he's in... little to no avail however.

Lorelei Akers

[ Girlfriend | Best Friend ]
Randy was looking for a quick lay when he met her but grew attached to her because of her overall attitude. He knew more about her than she knew, just observing her behavior and how she carried herself. He couldn't say he was in love with her but Lorelei did have some say in his decisions the more he got to know her. He eventually opened up to her, admitting that he was conflicted with his life in the Qun and his dedication to the Qunari. Without directly answering his conflicted questions, she did help him see that he didn't need to be with the Qunari to find a way to live. So, with that, he abandoned the teachings of the Qun -- something he doesn't fully regret... yet. He also bugs her with tidbits about the Qun, Qunlat, and Dalish history too. He calls her Vhenan and Kadan later as well; showing just how highly he regards her and appreciates her company.

Abilities, Paraphernalia, & Trivia


  • Light Mercenary Armor
  • Tongue of Chained Serpents: Originally two individual swords, Randy had them modified for his personal use. He uses the chains as loose belt when both are sheathed. He also uses the swords to maneuver the battlefield with ease. It's said that the swords are also embued with a special rune but Randy either doesn't know or won't share the truth.

Strengths & Weakness

  • Deceptive
  • Stealthy
  • Swordsmanship (Dual Swords)
  • Archery
  • Quick witted
  • Quick on his feet
  • Always lying
  • Hard to trust
  • Tendency to back stab
  • Acts on emotions


  • Originally a character designed for a blind pair with a friend
  • Randy's name is a play off the British word for "randy" and it suits his him just fine since he loves to screw around with just about anyone. That saying, he's kind of a ho and he could careless about it
  • Randy has a hard time opening up to people so he keeps everyone at a distance
  • He seems to have an immense struggle with his acceptance towards the Qun if he opens up. Randy likes to think of himself as a Qunari but seeing as he's on odd terms with his superiors... Alison also likes to point out that he's more Dalish or Elven than Qunari.
  • Randy doesn't see sex as a huge deal and will tumble with just about anyone
  • Randy has a hidden technique that he uses when he's in a pinch. It's called the 'Shadow Step' technique. He's able to create a limited amount of shadowy apparitions of hinself to attack multiple enemies in one move. The details of this ability and its drawbacks are unknown but it only seems to have a limited amount of uses. He later admits to Alison and a few others that this technique is only able to be performed because of his devotion to Mythal. And it can only be used in rare instances instead of whenever he wills it -- which he doesn't mind since he claims to takes a lot of energy to even make a single apparition.
  • Nanin - he who dwells in vengeance, lit. lives in vengeance, vengeance within. Randy's real name. He floated the idea that it was related to the Elven Pantheon and people always teased him for it when he was younger. After taking it up again, he feels more at ease with himself and sees the irony in his name and what he did before taking it up again.
