
4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



Part of:

WIP Short Story



Name Haller
Age Unknown
SpeciesA wolf-canine breed
Height Unknown
BuildStrong heavy and powerful
Role"Destroyer of the world"

"Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?" 


  • Schizophrenia 
  • Half insane
  • Half good guy
  • A complete bitch at times
  • Powerhungry
  • Mercyless

Haller is a canine with powers as strong as the one of a god. His powers, on the other hand, never create life. They only take it. He loves to get control, which often leads him to be power-hungry. He doesn't care about anything, as long as he has power. One day he will walk among the earth, and the planet will be almost a complete wasteland, and he couldn't care less. He forever chases the white rabbit with the key. (And he also looks like bacon due to his colors)

He is inspired by David Haller from Marvel's Legion.


In his early life, at the end of his childhood, Haller did not know about his powers, but already at that time, he suffered from schizophrenia. At that young age, The Bird had already been following him for quite a while and would continue to do so. All that often led to him being very confused about hearing other's thoughts, and he didn't even know if others saw the bird. Was it the illness? Or was it just him being telepathic as well? That confusion and unsureness, lead him to be unable to control his powers at the start. At a point, a group said they would help him learn to control his powers. He did not believe he had actual powers at first, but over the course of a few months, he had learned to control them, but not how much strength they had. Later he found out the group had first used him for his powers, then they all went against him when he found out his true power, saying lies he had never done. Or had he? Haller didn't know but chose to believe they were lies. He escaped from them, and after that, a White Rabbit appeared. He felt that Rabbit held the key to all his questions, and ran after it. Haller has ever since followed that Rabbit whenever he sees it. 


  • He believes only he can see the bird.
  • Will destroy the world without care.
  • He is both telepathic and has schizophrenia.
  • Loves to be the one over everyone.
