Antosh Deldaavi



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Antosh Deldaavi




nonbinary amab (xe/hir/hirs, he/him)


Lereum, Rordeiy


Carano Tanil (currently), Harvon Kadvell (previously)


NOTE: created these guys when my hands were still p broken. love them a lot but VERY underdeveloped, most of my notes about them r in misc word docs lmao. may come back to them when my hands r good enough to draw humans/complex designs more.


Usually presents as elegant and reserved but still someone not to be trifled with. Likes to talk and has a silver tongue, but usually masks even his negative comments in a polite wrapping. Has a hard time adjusting to change, whether that be a new routine or changing his outlook on a specific subject. Would much rather stay with what he is familiar with, even if he knows change would probably be beneficial or that his current situation is harming him more than helping him. Has a tendency to repress his emotions and tends to use sarcasm as a coping mechanism, even at times where it would be inappropriate. is very analytical and observant and is good at coming up with goals/a plan and sticking with it. Is motivated by accomplishment and his fellow Essen. Doesn’t value himself highly and tends to be selfless/self-sacrificing.

human appearance:

  • is lithe and tall with brown skin and long black hair. Hair is straight and most the time held in a loose ponytail, some strands falling on the sides of his face. Long/sharp angles, usually presents as elegant and reserved but still someone not to be trifled with. Has either dark brown eyes or dark gray eyes. May or may not give beard.

Essence Weapon:

  • a long, thin sword, similar to a katana. Essen runes are engraved into the blade and flare with essence when used. Antosh’s essence is a ghostly lavender. When going full power, the whole blade (instead of just the runes) becomes wreathed in essence.

History ideas:

  • has permanent wings from his primal form on his human form for some trauma reason? Perhaps it’s linked to his Leraar? (Who I may or may not kill) or maybe to his meeting with Harvon? (Maybe it’s something used to chain down Essen, and they used it on Harvon as well to make it harder for her to take human form) can also use for bonding between Harvon and Antosh as she helps him adjust to his permanent acquisition of wings?
  • Having permanent primal wings drains his essence constantly and makes this so he can get fatigued much faster/and generally just weaker. This makes it so he uses his primal form very rarely, because it renders him pretty much useless afterword for a while. Perhaps he feeds off of Harvon’s massive pool of essence as a coping mechanism or Band-Aid occasionally?
  • Perhaps Antosh’s Leraar is very reserved/proper and distant from him (if I keep them alive at all)? So that’s his only model for how to train Harvon. And perhaps his Leraar is on the the Circle of Nuuydeum too, and them being an authority figure in their culture makes it easier for Antosh to rationalize and ignore their treatment of him. For double drama, his Leraar could be my Yoda figure, making it even harder for Antosh to question/challenge them for his own sake or Harvon’s.

Primal form:

  • a silver/gray horned owl. The “horns” are wispier and longer and trail behind his head. Tail feathers are also longer with a few trailing behind quite a ways. Proportions are more long and less compact than real owls, giving a monstrous/kaiju appearance. Has either white or black eyes.