3. Wren დ



4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


"Casanova" and thoroughly rejects the "Shazadi" name

Breeding Fee:


Mani (as she owns his mate)


NUMBER (258) Owner: Fluffles
Name: Wren
Parents: Phaedra (mother) and Cassanova (father)
Age: 3
Bloodline: Chevalier
Birthdate: November 4th, 2019
Upload Date: June 9th, 2020
Sexuality: Demisexual
Gender: male
Status: Emmilou
Cubs: none
Favourite toy or game: He loves all games he can play, but for the most part his sickly body only allows for short bursts if any play. So he usually just lies and watches his siblings play.

Personality: He tries to remain as upbeat as possible. He is well aware of his short comings, but tries to not let it stop or slow him down. He fights with his words, and is often extremely diplomatic because of it.

History: Phaedra hardly even noticed him in the presence of his amazing siblings. She was never inherently cruel to him, and would never chase or shoo him away, but she never made an exception for him-even though he needed it. Cassanova on the other hand, just like his siblings, always tried to make time for him and divided his attention to accommodate him. He loves Cassanova, and wishes he was even a fraction as amazing as he, but is coming to terms with the fact he has always been fantastic, and massive and healthy, while Wren himself, is none of those.

Often times, Wren would fall ill beyond his natural capability to heal himself, therefore Cassanova would frequently take him to Al'Shifa for their expertise. It was there Wren made many friends that helped to encourage him to grow to love himself more, one little cub in particular, Aurelia, always pushed Wren to do better. How could he lounge around in a lull, when such a young cub left home of her own volition? Not only that, but worked harder than anyone to help Wren get well. Granted, she was well endowed in terms of size and health, but he was an adult. She was not. How could he just sit idly by while a cub against all odds was doing so much?

His pity party wallowing evolved into a want to do better with each visit to Al'Shifa and almost miraculously overnight, Wren hit a massive growth spurt as a teen. The growth spurt saved him, his breathing problems became non existent, his body finally grew some density to it, and his immune system got a slight boost. He didn't need to visit Al'shifa but maybe once a year or two after that. But he never forgot that little cub, and how she pushed him to be better, and a lot of the other friends he made while he was there.

Eventually, Wren ended up moving to Al'Shifa, where he works as an official "Cub-sitter," guarding and protecting the little ones while the real talented healers focus on their work. It is refreshing to have others look up to him for once. It was difficult staying at Al'Shifa, the more he watched granthrows come and go, the more envious he got. He never let it eat at him, and always tried to keep in good spirits. It also didn't help he was inconsequentially pining for Aurelia, with no sign of any reciprocations of feelings. The itch to leave and see the world finally became too irresistible to scratch, and his salvation came.

In the form of a lovely alkthrow named Emmalou, who was able to heal and travel with him. Overwhelmed at her generosity, he greedily accepted the chance to travel, hoping she would not mind him.

Random Facts: Had pink eyes, but were upgraded to blue (switched with juni). His ears are the result of he inherited dad's "long ears" but the cartilage did not harden so they just... flopped. With his albinism and hybridization, he is extremely weak and sickly. He absolutely cannot survive on his own. Name means coming of winter, because Phaedra assumed he would die before the summer months would come.
Stats: STR –  7 | RES –  2 | WIS – 8 | CHA – 9 | DEX – 4
Traits: Ears: R Tail: C Fangs: L Size: UC (large) Eyes: UC
Mutation: Albino