Antony “Mange” Larksong



4 years, 4 months ago


Antony Larksong

Alternate names: Mange, Kitty-Cat

Gender: Male (he/him/his)

Sexuality: pansexual

Height: 5'9"

Race: Black?

Eyes: Green

Species: Vastian

Species from another dimension with cat like traits (sharp teeth, claws, catlike eyes, cat ears, and tail in any form)

Kiluli (humanoid) form - enhanced strength, speed, hearing, and smell, extremely agile.

Vaasta (catlike) form - lynx-sized cat (Mange is average sized, medium haired). Strength, smell, and hearing same as Vaasta form, enhanced enhanced speed, vision (+ night vision).



Pets: None


Master - Camping, Survival, being unintentionally adorable, creating codes, stealing stuff, raiding carts

Very Skilled - Cooking, dechiphering codes, combat, recon, songwriting, singing

Skilled - Construction work, construction planning

Novice/Basic - Knowledge about anything outside of Vastia

Languages known: English, Kelisarian - native language of the Pelisian Empire, can be understood by anyone

Items typically in inventory - Brown knapsack, old family photo, fake Pelisian ID, map of Vastia, green power gem (functionally useless)


Antony Larksong was born in a town in the Astronia region of the Pelisian Empire, to a milkmaid and a farmer, with an older sister. Living would have been alright, had it not been for heavy taxes imposed by the Jewelcoats--taxes higher than in any other region of the empire. Things came to a head when their town wasn't able to collectively produce enough to pay up, so the Astronian Guard came to collect what was due--and the first born of anyone who wasn't able to pay up in full, no matter their gender, age, or the wealth status of the family. With his older sister taken to an unknown fate, Antony's parents decided it was best to flee now than risk losing both of their children, and fled the region for the far off Fernfall region. However, before they could make it, Mange's parents were snatched away for losing their Pelisian IDs along the way, never to be seen again. Arriving in Fernfall alone, Mange quickly joined the growing Rebellion against the empire, desperate to right what was wrong so no one would have to suffer like he did.

He met Disillusions when a villain whisked them away into his dimension in an effort to get rid of them. He helped them get home, and helps them fight villains and monsters on occasion.


Positives: Down-To-Earth, Knowledgeable, Brave, Friendly, can be serious when need be, Instinctively curious

Negatives: Quiet, easily flustered, knowledgeable of Vastian things, slightly to moderately gullible, easily discouraged, can be a ditz at times, can be overly paranoid at times, often speaks overly formal for other dimensions

Fond of tea, greenery, meaty food, string, shiny things. Also cats, and hedgehogs.

Always smells vaguely like the woods.

Listens to just about anything.