


4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Quasar

Age: ??? (he doesn't even know)

Species: robot

Height: 7 foot 3 inches

Weight: 235lbs (made from durable and lightweight materials for space travel, plus he's damaged)

Personality: goofy, playful, 'huggy'/clingy, generally touch-starved (see background), loyal, and can be serious if the need demands it.

relationship Status: single


  <<Strength - he's stronger than your average human. Can probably lift a small car if he wanted.I

  <<Though he can't remember much of his past, he remembers quite a bit in regard to his past occupation, I.E, he knows a good deal about various space crafts and space travel. Put him in a spaceship, he'll pick up on the controls quickly and knows various procedures for space-travel.

   <<SpaceMatter: a mysterious substance he woke up being bonded to him. He can control and manipulate it. Though still being studied and tested, we know it can be formed to replaced damaged areas of him (his damaged arm and the bottom of one of his legs), reshape itself into blades, a shield, legs, etc. Just whatever Quasar can think of, it can do (with the exception of making a gun that works). When formed into a shield or a blade, it's harder than steel and the blades can slice though cement like a hot knife through butter. However, it's consistency will shift depending on atomsphere (see notes below)

  <<Light -yet-durable: built for space travel, he was created to be lightweight yet durable. His lightweight can help him move quickly and maybe even outpace someone heavier than him while at the same time being able to get hit pretty hard without getting severely damaged easily

<<Spacecraft proficiency: a showcase that he used various spacecraft in his past. Whether it's ingrained in his programming or what have you is up for debate but he's able to effectively use various models of spacecrafts and if it's something he doesn't seem familiar with he's shown  to be a very quick study of walked through the basics.


  <<Due to being made lightweight for space travel, he's also pretty quick on his feet and agile.


  <<SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKA!!- If caught off guard, Quasar (Space Matter included) might not be able to react in time to defend against an attack.

  <<Isolation- After God-knows how many years of being alone in the vast void of spacethe thought of being completely alone again terrifies him (big reason why he was allowed to  get his pet cat, Mocha), he occasionally has nightmares where he wakes up back in space.

 >>Hole in the head-to-head - though typically obscured, if not plugged by the Space Matterthere's a gap in the protective casing in the back of his head. Though small, if someone could fire a shot into it, they could potentially do some damage to him (though such a small gap might not make the easiest target)

 >>Electricity- due to being a robot, high electrical charges can also harm him pretty badly.

>> Limited Regen- while his Space Matter is able to regenerate lost mass, if his actual body gets damaged the matter can't repair his body. It can only patch up and replace to some degree (hence why one of his arms is just a 'skeleton' encased in the Space Matter, or the patch on his side.).


--information unknown--


  <<Due to being alone in the vastness of space for God -knows-how-long, Quasar is more than a little touch-starved and might freak out of left alone too long. ^^; (one reason he now has his Marshmallow Cat, Mocha).