f2u . ebb & flow's Comments

this code hasn't been shown love in a long time it seems but i used it for my dear bellflower!!

aw, so lovely !! bellflower's such a cutie, i'm glad you got some use out of the old thing, your customization looks amazing c:

ahh thank you so much!! :]


used on my profile! wanted to ask two questions

is there any way to change the icons in between the name/pronouns etc? it just doesn't really fit with the theme. and if i add another row of stamps below the TVs, how would I go about doing so?

absolutely! the icons are the i elements (they look like <i class="fad fa-water fa-xs"></i> ! the ones at the ends should say class=far fa-hand-holding-water, one should also have fa-flip-horizontal), the fad (or far on the hand icons) defines the style the icons are in, the fa-xs defines the size, the fa-flip-horizontal flips it horizontally, and the fa-water or fa-hand-holding-water are the icon shape itself! you can replace that with anything from https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery, including both the free and pro icons! there's a probably better explanation of how those work here https://toyhou.se/4547607.coding-resources-1 if you just scroll down to the "Font Awesome icons" section

as for the stamps, you can pretty much just copy and paste from where the first stamp starts to where the last stamp ends and edit from there! to make it into a new line, you should be able to write <br> right before to make a line break

looking great though! lmk if you have any other questions! i use w3schools a lot, it might be able to answer some questions you have when editing (the html section is mostly what's relevant but the css might be useful for anything that starts with style=)!

how to change images?

change the link right after "img src=" !

more info and examples here if you need ! https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp

Tysm! 💞


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wow!! probably one of the best th profile codes to date that isn't from one of the top popular makers :D dunno who i will use this for yet but i am definitely making plans already to use this for a future character!