[ FF ] Renge Imai



4 years, 7 months ago


Character Info

Name: Renge Imai
Kanji: 蓮華 今井
Alias: none
Gender: female
Status: active
Relative(s): Kousuke Imai (father, deceased), Yuri Imai (mother, deceased), Botan Imai
Voice Actor: Laura Bailey

Technical Info

Type: Third Generation
Birth Date: February 21 (Pisces)
Age: 28
Height: 157 cm / 5’ 1”
Weight: 53 kb / 117 lbs
Blood Type: A

Professional Status

Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 8
Rank: Fire Soldier (second class)




Renge can manifest fire in her esophagus, which results in her being able to breathe fire.


+ dad is from Ishikawa, mom is from a proto-nationalist family in Asakusa
+ parents owned a traditional Japanese-style tea room
+ Renge’s mom was a yamato nadeshiko, which Renge admired and aspired to be herself
+ Renge’s pyrokinetic powers manifested around age 7 – she was so afraid/ashamed that she locked herself in her room for two days and wouldn’t admit to her parents what had happened
+ Renge still strove for her goal of being a yamato nadeshiko, despite having a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that her pyrokinetic powers were too “ungraceful” to allow her to do so
+ When Renge was 10, her little sister Botan was born – Renge decided she could at least use her powers to protect her sister
+ As she grew up, Renge tried very hard to hide her pyrokinetic powers, which usually resulted in them activating in situations when she was nervous or anxious
+ met Obi at... some point (still figuring out details), but Renge doesn't really remember him
+ Renge tried to date, but was unable to get through a first meeting without singing either her date or something else around them, which resulted in all those potential relationships ending abruptly
+ One day when Renge was out with Botan getting groceries, they returned home to see smoke starting to billow from the windows
+ Renge went inside and left Botan outside
+ Renge’s mom had become and Infernal, already having killed their father
+ Renge managed to kill her mother (more by accident than on purpose – she was so upset that her powers activated on their own) right as Company 8 showed up to deal with the scene
+ Renge was basically BSOD for a few hours but has a full-on breakdown about what happened later
+ Renge and Botan end up spending the night at the Company 8 station because they have nowhere to go (and bc Obi recognizes Renge from when they met years ago)
+ the next day Obi offers Renge and Botan positions w Company 8, Renge agrees because she wants to actually use her abilities to help people, and also to try to keep Botan out of trouble
+ more later yo