Ezekiel (Walpurgis (AU))



3 years, 1 month ago


"Embracing enginuity is a very human quality..."

Name Ezekiel
Race Dragon (Knochen)
Age 650~
Gender Demiboy (He/They)
Height 6'3"
Occupation Engineer/Tinkerer

Formal ✦ Benevolent ✦ Discerning ✦ Conservative ✦ Verbose

Ezekiel is a benevolent man with an expansive knowledge of machinery. People are often intimidated by his intellect and mechanical forearm, but in reality he is very humble. He is passionate, reserved, focused, rational, and loves to be occupied. Any leisure time he has is usually spent compulsively planning, cooking, or being productive in some way. He doesn't know how to have fun like normal people do, and is naive about leisure.

Although he was born a wyvern, an injury he sustained to his right limb and subsequently losing it resulted in him retreating into human form more permanently and living among them for quite some time. Being permanently grounded from flying left part of him very jaded. However, in his time living among humans he has gained an extensive knowledge of engineering and electronics, which keeps him occupied and content. After becoming a resident of Walpurgis he became more fascinated by the pursuits of Alchemy as well.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




Area of Expertise

Ezekiel belongs to a subspecies of dragon known as the knochen that are very physically diverse. The bones of every knochen are the source of their enchantments and abilities. This allows them to gain influence over one type of energy in the space around them with practice, which for Ezekiel specifically is Electrokinesis. They also have more control over their body chemistry and physiological mechanisms such as the movement of cells. This allows them to heal injury very quickly, but still gradually. In addition, it is also what grants a knochen the ability to take on one alternative form beyond their natural one.


Shapeshifting- Ezekiel was born a wyvern, and with practice could take on the form of a human fairly readily to live among them safely. The transformation happens gradually, over the course of a minute or longer depending on his fortitude.

Electrokinesis- As previously stated, every knochen can master the movement over one type of natural energy. Ezekiel specifically can shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles, allowing control over natural charge carriers and electronics.

Smokescreen- In his original form Ezekiel can discharge clouds of dark, black smoke from sacks that rest on his lower jaw. It does not have anything to do with his enchantments and is a natural, inherited defence from his kind for concealment.


In order to retain this ability a knochen must transform frequently enough, or else their body will settle too far into one form and create difficulty changing back or worse become stuck in between forms. Due to his amputation, he is additionally rendered flightless in his original form but can use it for its strength. It is embarrassing for him to ever retreat from his human form though, so he stays in it an unhealthy amount for his own comfort.

As far as his control over electricity goes, he can’t generate a lot of his own electricity so much of it has to be drawn from his surroundings and re-directed. He can also use the smoke created from the sacks on his neck to carry electric charge over a wider area. This combination is limited to only being used while in his original form, or while in between forms where they would take shape where they are supposed to be.


Ezekiel owns a small, tuxedo cat named Yin who has no apparent magical properties as far as everyone is aware. He adopted it to keep him company during his long periods of isolation.


Personal Lore



Early Life

Ezekiel was raised in a small village overseas by an older man named Vincent. During a hunt, Vincent had fatefully discovered an abandoned egg which hatched into two small wyverns, Ezekiel and his twin brother Jericho. While very young the two practiced shifting into human form to more closely resemble their father figure. When they were old enough the two brothers would go on journeys from home to practice flying but had no idea how endangered their kind really was.

During one of these trips Ezekiel had vanished for longer than anticipated dealing with a skirmish of his own kind, who were disgusted he lived among people and chased him far from home. The encounter taught him who to not mess with, and he eventually returned home to live with Vincent until his passing. While they lived together Ezekiel was taught all about human crafting and ingenuity, a passion which would never leave him. His fascination with human advancement and experience with his adoptive father gave him all the motivation and resolve he needed to feel comfortable and fascinated enough to remain among civilizations large and small.

After setting off on his own 600 years ago, Ezekiel experienced the widespread unrest of villages large and small living in fear of invading members of his own kind, vengeful toward witches and their practice of coveting their enchanted bones for use in alchemy and magical enhancement. Seeking an escape from the unrest, he planned to sail overseas on a ship filled with magical creatures hidden in human form similar to himself. Unbeknownst to him the same ship that was carrying him to his destination was also housing a small secret group of witches. They were smuggling the bones of his kind, intended for trade at a New England port. Before they left at shore, pursuers against the trade caught wind of this and planned to stage an attack against the sailing group.

A pitch black storm shrouded the ocean skies and darkened its mists that day. Ezekiel brought this on himself with his control over smoke and lighting in order to attack the knochen descending upon the ship he was travelling on from the shadows. Concealed by the smoke, one knew where he would strike next. He didn't stop until the fight was over even while being outnumbered. Due to the illusion of a storm keeping the attackers disoriented and uncertain their fleet was holding ground, they retreated. Ezekiel had prevailed against them but at a huge cost- a devastating injury to his right wing.

In the aftermath, the sailors were grateful to Ezekiel for saving them and retrieved his fallen body from the sea to revive him. Once they reached the port, they had to find a doctor in New England confident enough to operate on a very unique specimen. They were lucky enough to have found one named Lydia, and she did everything in her power to save Ezekiel, including making the difficult decision to amputate his right limb. This would mean he survived the fight, but would never fly again. This realization devastated him. However, his deed protecting the traders connected him to powerful people very quickly. He would remain with Lydia during his recovery too, and they developed a strong bond. Lydia remained devoted during his time re-adjusting which led to the two settling down permanently. Ezekiel was thankful to be alive and no longer had to live in fear of random attacks. He took the steps to integrate himself into his new life, and began making a living as an engineer as well as he could.

Moving to Walpurgis

For the knochen, years go by at a much different pace since they can survive to see many passing generations of human people. Ezekiel also mourned the loss of his earliest wife Lydia for a long time, having difficulty committing to such a bond a second time until modern times approached. Ezekiel found it more and more difficult to conceal himself properly and live the pace of a normal life as Magic became more and more obscure to others. This made him feel isolated enough to want to pursue new relationships to share his experience with, and evidently settled down once more. This time it would eventually result in the birth of a daughter, Irene, who was neither human nor knochen.

Ezekiel wanted so badly for her to live a normal life, or never know what he truly was. He became disillusioned by the idea of convincing Irene he was human due to a desire of his to feel like he could be one for many years. However, due to the frequency of his leaves to shapeshift for his own stability and health his secret was eventually found out by Irene. Upon finding out this truth, she figured out she was non-human as well as a result. The interaction left Ezekiel ashamed, and led him to leave and search for a place of solace where Irene could visit once she signed a charter to keep everything a secret- which ended up being the well-known Walpurgis.

Present Day

Ezekiel moved into Walpurgis fairly wealthy already, and has been there for around half a year now. He was able to purchase a sizable property for himself, and continue making a living as an engineer and technician willing to take commissions from a number of clients inside and outside town. He frequently tinkers with things even on days off, and his home and workshop is filled with many more sophisticated appliances than the typical one. He is comfortable knowing he can live without always needing to hide a side of himself every few weeks and in addition, welcomes Irene's visits.

In recent times he has become very interested in gaining an apprenticeship for learning Alchemy, a practice very unique to the town he now resides in. Perhaps even share the history of his kind with anyone willing to teach him and see if it reveals anything about what they commonly use, and if it is no longer so nefarious. Although he is usually aloof, being in Walpurgis and among others with a supernatural side shown or not has made him feel more outgoing and willing to socialize with others.

Race Lore

The subspecies of knochen are a long-lived race of powerful, reptilian beasts that inherit control over elemental abilities from one another. Such powers were granted to the first living knochen through a potent enchantment of their bones, to ensure that the power they possessed would never decay, and in their belief could be repossessed by the gods or others later in time in the form of bone dust. For this reason it became tradition for witches and magic practitioners to use or defile the bones of knochen, which supply the main ingredient for potions and elixirs that enhance magical strength greatly. As a result, the knochen population is frequently endangered and has a strained relationship with the supernatural that yearn for their strength.

However, not all knochen hold disdain for magic practitioners. There are two major ideological alignments that the race chose to follow based on fables about how the first of their kind came to be and why. Due to how they inherit the ability to shape natural energies and forces, particularly religious knochen believe they were entrusted with divine power to shape the fate of the world, and disagreements arise over if this power should be used or not. The factions also disagree on how to deal with the dominance of humankind, and these differences have led to the inception of two factions: the Gestalt and the Nochmal.

The gestalt are characterized as observers and protectors, and believe that using their inherited divine powers to continue intervening in the world is unprincipled. The nochmal in times past have been characterized by a mission to take back the world and what is theirs. Being able to live in isolation Having the freedom to use their divine powers is one of their core principles.






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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


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Item Name

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