


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






God of Beauty


Stoic, calculated, suspicious of others, never shows visible happiness


Graceful, elegant, regal, calculated, appears well mannered and old-fashioned


Roquem was born as a god of beauty, and could be admired for his unrivaled fair looks, ethereal atmosphere around him, and all the visually perfect proportions and traits.

However, as with all patron gods of certain areas, Roquem, too, would lack on other fields. As centuries passed, he grew envious of even lesser beings like humans having something he didn't, something that seemed more than what he had: Passion. Inspiration. Skills. Love. Family.
Driven frustrated and lonely, Roquem ended up doing the unthinkable: He started killing and eating the seemingly 'too fortuned' humans. This didn't go unnoticed among the other gods, and soon they decided to punish the god of beauty by taking away the only thing he had: His beauty. They tore Roquem to pieces, stealing him of his dainty arms, long, slim legs, narrow nose, pretty ears, petite lips and also his teeth and tongue, the vile things with witch Roquem had eaten his victims. They left him his eyes, though, just so that he could see what he had become.

Of course, god as he was, Roquem did not die... but he did suffer unimaginably and needed a week to glue his shattered heart together enough to summon help (some lesser magical beings still answered his call). With this help, he started to fix his body: As he was torn in pieces as an official punishment, even if he was a god and beauty was his field, he could not regenerate his own limbs. The only thing he could do was to rely on prosthetics. To soothe his destroyed self-confidense, he wanted the prosthetics to still represent his field: Beauty. Roquem thus chose unicorn as the aesthetics for his new limbs, and made a mask to represent this too - and to hide his ruined face underneath.

Inspirational music: Ghost in the Shell Cinema Symphony

Visual inspiration: Wan Yi Hua 

Clothing inspiration: 1903 Russian grand masquerade ball / 17th century Russian fashion