Vael's Comments

Is he still for sale?

yup, are you interested in buying them?

Would you be willing to do $15 for them? I thought that was the original AB price, but I might be wrong?

I'm personally unsure as well but unfortunately I just figured out I'm not allowed to resell him. I wen't back to the original post and i realized I forgot to read the T.O.S and I stated I'm not allowed to resell. I can take payment in other ways though, I can take art or trade him for another character. which ever is fine with you~^^

Hmmm well Altheriane is my girlfriend so I can ask her if she wouldn't mind this one time LOL

I sadly don't have any designs/art comm styles that are within that pricerange ;v;

If you can get them to message me telling me it's okay then I can accept~^^

3 Replies