Sierra Delany



4 years, 3 months ago



Name: Sierra Delany

Age: 17 (May 2nd)

Gender/Sex: Fem

Sexuality: People?

Height: 5’3”


Personality:  Caring, undaunted, and stubborn, Sierra will take the  life given to her  and she will carve out a place for herself. Let the  world face her, she is unafraid.

Every positive has a negative.

To every fearless victory there is reckless defeat.

Cheeriness can only cover for so many social shortcomings.

Always looking forward can blind you from the lessons of the past.

No matter how long she carefully contemplates her next words, they will so often sound insincere and scripted.


Home cooking- It makes her think of cooking with her grandmother.

The Zoo, Aquarium- Last time she was there in person, she was very young, but she liked watching video tours online to see them more. She wants  to  go again, but there’s too much going on currently.

Heated blankets- They are so cozy and like a hug in a blanket.

Vinyls-  Her grandmother often left a record playing in the  background on quiet  days in or if Sierra had to be home alone when she  was little. They  remind her of happy times.

Blood-  She will toss her guts if she sees someone seemingly injured & covered in a lot of blood. Reminds her of her parents death.

Telemarketers-  They target the houses of old  people and are so annoying. There’s a special place in hell for people  who call at 2am just to scam someone.

Her  Aunts & Uncles-  They never wanted to deal with her. Not after her parents died, not when Sierra lived 6 years of her life in fear of everything, and not when they repeatedly tried to force her grandmother to give her up.


Sierra was only 8 when she lost both her parents due to a car accident. It was a snowy day and a driver slid on the ice and hit the two. Sierra witnessed the incident. 

It left her mentally scarred and very anxious about leaving the house.

Sierra's dad had a falling out with his family many years ago, so her dad's funeral was the first time she met any of them. Her Aunts and uncles all agreed they weren't in a position to take care of Sierra and wouldn't be able to get her the help she obviously needed. Sierra's grandmother, Etta, on the other hand, hated the idea of giving up Sierra. She didn't want to let go of the last thing she had left of her dead son. Against the wishes of her children, she took Sierra in herself.

Sierra became a shut in that couldn’t leave the house out of a twisted sense of paranoia. Death was too easy and she didn’t want to die. By fourteen, she did online schooling,  sewed or ordered her clothes online, and cooked dinner with her grandmother every  night. She still couldn’t bring herself step beyond her Grandmother’s property.

      It’s then that she meets Eb.

At first she tried to ignore him, but to no avail. He offers his deal and she says she’d consider it, not quite believing he was real. 

Tensions started to rise higher between her grandmother and her aunts & uncles. Etta tried her best to keep Sierra out of it. Still Sierra knew it was the same argument that Etta shouldn't be raising Sierra. 

That evening while her grandmother was out, one of her uncles came over. It was Marcus. He had gotten in an argument with Etta just earlier that day. He had come looking for Etta, clearly to continue the argument, but when it became clear she wasn't there, he turned his sights on Sierra. Marcus always seemed to have a special dislike of Sierra.

He told Sierra, she was a burden on Etta. That Etta was getting too old to raise the kid of an asshole who abandoned his family for some bitch he'd barely known, only to then die and leave them his stupid, broken kid. Marcus stated he prefer if he never had to see her again. He explained their plans to get Etta to have to give Sierra up. At her age and with her medical issues, she shouldn't be taking care of a useless brat. It became clear they had a plan. It was inevitable. Sierra's peaceful days were numbered. 

Later that night, unable to sleep, she collapsed crying and sobbing on the cold tile of her bathroom floor. It was then that the creature returned. She wishing her grandmother to be of good health would only be a temporary solution. It wouldn't last forever and honestly, she was sick of living like this. Sick of being unable to do anything, but hide and cower. 

Again, it offers her a wish for a contract.

If the talking cat-thing really was just a figment of her imagination, well at worst, she’s just back to where she started. What's there to lose when she was already losing  everything. With that thought in mind, made a wish to the strange cat like creature to never be afraid again. That night, she fell into a peaceful sleep, clutching the newly formed soul gem to her chest.

Early next morning, Sierra woke up feeling calmer than she had in years. With her mind made up, she decided if she was going to be forced out then, it would be on her own terms. With the sun still crawling its way up the horizon, she packed a bag and left.

Recap of Recent Events:

Not longer after becoming a magi, Sierra moved in with Percy. Then she, Percy, Luis, & Belladona all started dating. Soon they all moved in with Belladona. Much later Belladona & Luis died at the hands of Rose Corp Magi.

After the death of Belladona & Luis, Sierra & Percy broke up to focus on themselves and have space to grieve. Sierra moved out of Belladona's family home to move into a small apartment that Salem helped set up for her. She lives on her own with her pet cat Mugs.

 School: None Currently.


Wish:  “I’m so sick of being afraid and hating myself for being so  afraid. I can’t take it anymore! I wish I could live without fear and  regret! That I’m not petrified with fear to the point that I can’t even leave this stupid house! Please! Please grant my wish! I beg you!”

Incubator: Eb

Class: Distance (High Point Sniper) & Fighter (Weapon Meister)

Level: Vet


☆Bubble gun, a big long range gun that shoots magic bubbles really fast that pop and do damage on impact.

☆Bubble staff: Its a bubble wand.

☆Bubble Knife

☆Bubble Ball


Flurry Attack: 1d4x1d6; (Stamina based); Lots of Attack

Multi weapon: 1d6x1d8; (Special based); A  magi summons multiple versions of their weapon around them in the air  and throws/sends them at their opponent. The damage dice will be  multiplied by a 1d8.

Dive Bomb: 2d8; (Attack based); After  using leap/grapple/some other move to gain height, leap down on an  opponent and deal damage from above. You have advantage for this attack.

High point: 1d10+half stat; (Stamina  based); A magi leaps up high up in the air and lands on an existing  point in the labyrinth if none a magic platform will appear under them.  This lasts for 4 rounds and has a cool off of two rounds. Can not take a  magi up with them.

Gambit: 2d10+half stat; (Attack based); No  d20, magi hits an opponent guaranteed, but cannot move for two turns  afterwards, they can only use passive attacks except for grapple. add  half your attack stat to the 2d10 damage dice 

Knock out: 1d10; (Attack based); Stuns opponent for 3 rounds

Head shot: 2d6; (Special based); A hit  that's right in the head of your opponent, you get advantage on this  attack so roll two d20s to attack. Will stun them for two rounds, if a  nat 20 it’s an insta kill on anything but a witch.

For the Crown: N/A; (Sp->Atk/Sta->Def); Drops your special(1) and stamina(2) stats by half for two rounds and adds that to your attack(1) and defence(2) for two rounds


[(Vet Move) Multi-shot: 1d20;  (Special/Attack Based); Several shots will be fired off at once the  damage will be multiplied by a d10. Can only be used once in a battle.]

[Knight shield: N/A; (N/A); The shield can  be used to take up to 20HP or as a weapon. To use the shield you must  sacrifice your ability to attack that turn.]

[(Wish Move) Reckless Abandon: 1d12; (Attack Based); Auto hit; Roll a d20 not to hit but to see if there is a multiplier to the dmg roll.
2-10 x1
11-19 x2
non-nat20+ x3
-Getting a x2 or x3 multiplier will stun opponent for 2 rounds and Sierra loses half of her defense for 4 rounds.
+If she rolls a nat 20 opponent is stunned for 4 rounds and Sierra loses half her defense for 2 rounds.
-I can't use high point during Sierra having the half defense.]

Practical Magic Spells Known:

Leap: Roll a d20, 13 needed to succeed;  (Attack Based); Will cause a magi to leap much like the in battle  version but with no defense buffs. A magi can leap three stories and  with a nat 20 5 stories

Magi Makeup: Roll a d20 +half special, 16  needed to succeed; (Special Based); A glamour spell that can instantly  change hair styles or add makeup. This spell lasts till you go to sleep.  Can give a slight tan or remove a slight tan

Invisibility: Roll a d20 +half special, 15  needed to succeed; (Special Based); Renewal needed every 2 rounds; By  setting the soul gem in your mouth you can become nearly invisible.  Sounds can't be heard and your body almost completely blends in to the  world around you. Those that know nothing of magic will just think its a  shadow. Those that know magic might be able to see the edges of your  body. You can pass it on to others as long as you hold hands with them.

Soul light: Roll a d20, 4 needed to succeed, (N/A); This is to make your soul gem into a light source.

HP: 75

Magic: 16

Defense: 16

Attack: 24

Speed: 4

Special: 20

Stamina: 22

Bounces:  Sierra has a harder time knowing when she’s in over her head since she lacks an instinctual fear for her own safety even if she can consciously  acknowledge something could be dangerous.