


4 years, 4 months ago


 Stormi- Information & References


Stormi is my current fursona and was created by the amazing artist ishybun on amino- here! She is a hybrid species between a serval and a lion, and I will be posting all of her art onto this page as she receives it, along with further information about her personality and her life. She is not for sale and will not be for sale anytime in the near future, so please do not place any offers on her as I would rather not have to explain this more than once. Thank you.

Stormi works as a professional softballer by day and takes occasional roles at her local coffee shop. In her spare time, she enjoys taking care of her many plants and feeding ducks at the local park. She sells all of her fruit and vegetables that she grows, at a market that occurs every Sunday morning at the nearby high school. She was born in Ireland and has lived there for the entirety of her life, but sees no reason to move so she has never gotten around to it. She lives in a small one-bedroom apartment with her tabby cat named Kyu, who she considers to be the only company she needs in her life. She does, however, have a crush on her close friend, Cal. But hasn't yet mustered the courage to tell her how she feels. Cal works with Stormi at the coffee shop, and bakes all of the treats. Cal will occasionally sneak to give Stormi the stray muffin or cupcake before sneaking back to work in the kitchen. 

Stormi also enjoys painting and writing songs, which she likes to use to express the emotions that she doesn't feel secure telling anyone else about. She is rather solitary, and although she enjoys the company of a few people here and there, large crowds scare her. She avoids any situations which may leave her shoulder to shoulder with a group of people. Strangely, this does not apply when she plays softball, and she insists that as long as she doesn't have to make small talk with anyone, she will be alright in front of a crowd. She just really hates the awkward conversation starters. For this reason, she lost most of her friends when she left high school to go to university. She never bothered to try to initiate any new friendships, as she felt that she could avoid the awkwardness by not trying at all. Callie is her closest friend, due to the fact that Cal initiated the conversation and well; Stormi found nothing awkward about talking to Callie, she instantly knew that she wanted to be her friend.



Chaotic Neutral
Irish, Lion/Serval,
Baseball Player
Not For Sale, ($60)

Art:  Koccy on Amino

"I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna be your bitch

 - "And I wanna touch you, but not like this..."


  • Softball
  • Callie
  • Rainy Nights
  • Astronomy 
  • Coffee
  • House Plants


  • Small talk
  • Crowds
  • Rude Customers (Demanding Especially)
  • Spiders
  • People Who Slurp Drinks
  • Obnoxiously Loud People



Stormi is a lucky charm. but definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Main Weapon:
Softball Bat
Sub Weapon:
Main Armor:
Sub Armor:


Softball Swing:
Incredibly fast and hard-hitting swing that can break bones easily.
Coffee Toss:
Can toss a full cup of steaming hot coffee onto any rude customer or worker.


These are the primary references that I would like to be used when making any art for my character, please pay attention to most of her markings, however, her white spots can be randomized, I am not particular with those.

  • The first image shows her most worn outfits, however, if I am commissioning you, you do not have to draw her in any of these outfits unless I specifically request for you to do so. Just please ask first!
  • Please check the second image for some more important details of the character, and a better reference for patterns and body proportions. The nude reference sheet shows nothing sexually explicit, just her without clothes. 



Name: Callie

Relationship: Best Friend / Crush


Closest friend to Stormi who is always there for Stormi to share her secrets and laugh with, they work together at the coffee shop and everyone knows them to have an inseparable bond.

Name: Angel

Relationship: The Rival


Angel and Stormi have never gotten along after Angel and Callie had an argument that ended their friendship. Angel blames Stormi for picking up the pieces and 'following Callie around like her pet'. Ultimately Angel is just jealous of Stormi, but Stormi doesn't quite seem to realize that.


Name: Damien

Relationship: High School Friend


Damien is Stormi's high school friend who moved away from Ireland to pursue a law career at Harvard in the USA. They keep in touch as much as they can, and Stormi still occasionally talks to him about what is going on between her and Callie and asks for his advice.