Leah (Imbrue)



6 years, 8 months ago


i can make the stars dance  

imbrue is one of abbys dragons (and dont tell the other ones, but shes abbys favourite). she is a giant mauve coloured dragon with a long serpentine body, short forelegs, lanky hind legs, and a huge pair of leather wings. she has a thick mane that must be groomed and trimmed daily, along with deer like antlers that are constantly shedding.

brainy, quirky, off-beat, whimsical, uplifting --
often has her head in the clouds - er, stars
loves the sky, stars, constellations, anything that sparkles, really
tends to babble over things no one knows about or understands
always laughs at her own jokes, even though no one ever really gets them
very gentle, good with hatchlings and children and does her best to make sure they never get hurt

imbrue is the clans most skilled magic user, fluent with most spells
she has even developed the power to create portals at will, helping her and other creatures get from place to place
because she possesses such an ability she is usually the one to deliver important messages to other clans and get abby from place to place

gender: female (the image of the male is in there to show off her markings!!)
pronouns: she/her
hatchday: february 5th
familiar: harlequin stagwing
mate: still looking

length: 22.16m
wingspan: 19.17m
weight: 5758.67kg

primary: thistle bar
secondary: shadow peregrine
tertiary: pink stained

silver glasses !!she always has these on, if she doesnt shes blind as a bat!!
mages midnight bag
conjurers' herb pouch
starlight cloak

link to flight rising page: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=261323&tab=dragon&did=20798957