


4 years, 4 months ago


Keziah Sol

General Information

Alias: Kez, Ziah, Zi
Age: 873 yrs. 11 m.
Gender: Female
Species: Infected Faerie (bitten by a vampire)
Bloodline: Solerix (Full blooded)

Group Information:

Group: Nuvia Empire
Rank: Empress
Previous Rank: N/A, founder, servant, princess
Aspiring Rank: Acquired, Empress
Mentor: Astaroth the Demon
Student: None currently

Family History

Parents: King Adris, Queen Drusilla
Siblings: Twin brother Asteros
Crushes: N/A
Current Lover: N/A
Previous lover: Unknown
Offspring: Unknown (3x)

History in the Making:

Keziah was born to the King and Queen of her homeland and realm of the fae, she grew up hand in hand with her brother learning to harness her powers and study to become Queen of her kingdom. This was however put to a stop when she turned 112, where she had encountered a young male while out in the humans realm with her current Master at the time, Astaroth. The pale boy and the young faerie had met up frequently after their first encounter, and as all things do, they two eventually fell in love, at least that's what she had thought. During one of their frequent evening meet ups, Keziah was confused to see that the boy had come with friends, those who held malicious energy and even worse eyes. The boy she had fallen in love with took her and infected her with the vampyric virus, dooming her reign of her homeland and ensuring her exile from all she had ever known as home. 

Centuries had passed serving under Astaroth's rule, and during those long years she had lost the count of battles and children she had helped bring into the world--some being her very own, and though she didn't know if they lived she had hoped they were safer and in a better position than she. What she had seen of them warmed her heart--the snow white color of their hair, the paleness of her skin had passed to each of them. But it was in the past, instead she ripped herself away from the demon lord's service and fled, leaving both her only children behind, as well as the last pieces of her heart.

That was until Bo had come--little, sweet Asmaarn. Though when she had first met him he was on the opposing side--a mindless soldier it seemed, to his tyrant of a father who had given orders to attack a very small Nuvia then. However when Bo had been struck down and left by his comrades, Keziah hesitantly took him in and healed his physical wounds, listening to the spilling of his secrets and the brokenness of his heart. She agreed to let him stay without harm or punishment under the condition that he would work for her--nothing horrible, a guard of sorts at the time. For centuries she helped him train, to harness his powers to become the merciful being he was today. As his loyalty grew so did he, and from Asmaarn came Bo, the old and new acknowledging both but accepting neither. He was like a son to her, and as many would see, she kept him under her watchful eye any time she's given the chance.

Though she is ruling Nuvia now, Keziah still struggles with her infected blood, and the thirst for the blood of others. Will she get help from others, or will her shame keep it bottled in, to eat away for the rest of her time here on steady ground? 


=Keziah wields every element found on land--fire, water, air, earth and spirit, through contracts made between herself and the spirit itself.
=As a servant, the fae was trained to become a fighter--and though she had taken lives, she never fights to kill.
=Ziah has long practiced keeping her emotions in check.
=Because of the vampyre blood, Keziah can never die from age, nor can she lead her homeland.
=Keziah can speak several languages from many different realms of the universe. (Ex. speaking to animals, faeries, humans, etc.)