
4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Species / Race


Sex / Relationship Status

Female, single


97 years


Four of Eight


Chaotic Good


High Class


Leader of the griffons who work for the Rouge Rogues

Personality Type

Loves giving confusing advice in the form of riddles

Goals / Desires

To keep the Rouge Rogues prosperous and flourishing


All family is deceased


I am not the creator of this design. I bought this almost 20 years ago from someone on Furry-paws and I have no idea who it was. I was young and didn't realize I should have kept their name for credit to the image. My bad. If you know who drew the original image (The one on Acrid's profile picture) please let me know! I would love to credit them for the drawing. 

Species / Race : Griffon
Sex / Relationship Status : Female, single
Age : elderly
Career : leader of the griffon faction of the Rouge Rogues.
Family : None

Brief Bio : 

One of the leaders of the Rouge Rogues. Female, griffon, mercenary. Wears typical merc attire. Specializes in explosives. Due to being one of the Eight she oversees any and all griffons who are members of the Rouge Rogues and so, though she is basically ancient, she still must be professional in her title. Behind closed doors I imagine her being like Betty White. A cranky bitch who doesn't take shit from anyone and calls it like she sees it in the sweetest old lady tone she can muster. Has a limp and usually uses a cane with her wing to balance the limp. 

Lives in Horshoe Bay.

The Rouge Rogues are a band of thieves, mercenaries, bandits, assasins, etc. They aren't one large group but an organization of many. They have a 'jobs hub' where people inside or outside the organization may post jobs where those who hold a Rouge Rogue membership may take on to earn coin. There are several perks to being a Rouge Rogue member but a small percentage of the pay from each job goes to running the organization. The heads of the Rouge Rogues are called The Eight, there are one of each species who controls those of their respective kind. A pony, (Merchant -, is in charge of the ponies, a griffon (Acrid -, is in charge of all the griffons, and so on. They usually wear leather in dark browns and blacks, whatever suits the job that they can move freely in and not be restrictive. Don't forget the saddlebags to pocket loot they find and weapons to do their dirty deeds.