


4 years, 3 months ago


Summary: Part of a tag team wrestling duo, with a tiger gimmick. Miao (if that IS your real name, sir) isn't actually super into it, but is there to support his younger brother's career. He also greatly appreciates the minor fame and money that comes with it, and enjoys showboating very much.
His usual job is as a chiropractor. Surprising amount of overlap between the two careers.

Another victim of "this name is stupid I'll think of a proper one later" [i am now too used to the name to change it]


✦ Owns an obscene amount of things with tiger print on them.. Branding
✦ Gets distracted from matches due to showing off for the audience
✦ Will resort to underhanded tactics, favours and blackmail behind the scenes if it helps his brother's career progress (don't tell him that)
✦ He is bisexual and chronically single
✦ I drew his brother once and I will never draw him again. Pretend he doesn't exist. Older sibling favouritism in action
✦ In his costume he's wearing white eyeliner and orange eyeshadow, he also has a pair of lip rings that are meant to look like fangs!
✦ He is technically good at applying makeup but has no artistic eye for what actually looks good -> in-universe explanation for my shit character design decisions