Misha Rowel



4 years, 3 months ago


name: Misha Rowell


Gender: female

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Personality: Misha is rather shy and kinda timid, very silent and to her self when you first meet her. Once she starts to open up, Misha is very kind and can be a bit goofy. She enjoys making people happy, so she’ll do anything to her power to make others smile. She can be helpful and very reliable 

Brief History: Misha grew up in the countryside with mother,  older brother, and sister. Growing up, she made a few friends but was often teased and bullied. She was taught to ignore the bullying, so she did so. During some time in her childhood, Misha gained a passion for art and started to study. Her childhood wasn’t easy, but she hung in there

Digivice: Off pink and yellow

Digimon: Valor the Hawkmon

Digimon Personality: Valor is very smart and useful. He loves doing his research. Also, he looks out for Misha and makes sure she doesn’t get in trouble  

Digimon Evolution line: Poromon-Hawkmon-Aquilamon-Silphymon-Valkyrimon

Digimon Skills: 

  • Feather Strike: Throws the feather on its head like a boomerang.
  • Beak Pecker: Pecks at the enemy with its beak.
  • Loop the Hawk: Flips into the air and slices at the enemy with its talons.