
4 years, 4 months ago



Name and Aliases
Name Hippolyta 
Name (JP) 
Full Name
Hippolyta von Suffolk
Full Name (JP) 
Biological Information
Birthday22nd of December
Fódlan Birthday22nd of the Ethereal Moon Imperial Year 1162
RelativesEarl of Osrick (Father, Deceased)
Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Unnamed Older Sister  
Unnamed Younger Sister 
Count Suffolk (Adoptive Father)
Nationality[ info here ]
Hometown[ info here ]
Residence[ info here ]
Faction(s)[ info here ]
Occupation(s)[ info here ]
Game Data
GameFire Emblem: Three Houses
First SeenChapter 1: Three Houses
First JoinedChapter 1: Three Houses (If the Black Eagles are chosen)
First FoughtChapter 1: Three Houses (If the Black Eagles aren't chosen)
Starting ClassNoble
Voice Actors
JapaneseMinami Takahashi
E.G. Daily
"It may be true that the weak will always be driven to the wall; but that just makes it much more simple to track them down and slaughter them, isn't that right professor!"
Hippolyta to the player.

Hippolyta ( [ kanji, katakana, whatever you need ] [ romaji ] ) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. At the start of the game she is 17 years old. She's originally a commoner who became the adopted daughter of Count Suffok. Hippolyta possesses a major Crest of Saint Macuil. 


Early Life

Born as Hippolyta von Osrick, second daughter of the collapsed house Osrick to the Count and his young wife, Hippolyta lived in poverty for the first few years of her life. Without financial support the once great and powerful house Osrick was discarded among the Adrestian Empire and essentially lost to history quickly as those under the age of fourty barely remembered the houses name. With her fathers wiltering age Hippolyta grew jealous of the attention her elder and younger sisters would receive from her mother and father as Hippolyta was often neglected due to her apparent lack of a crest. 

In hopes to regain their social standing, the seemingly crestless Hippolyta was sold into slavery by her parents in order to gain enough money to fund their travel to the capital city of Enbarr. Working for countless of years as a hidden slave in the Adrestian Empire Hippolyta grew to hate the world and all the horrible things it represented to her. 

Donec vel porttitor nulla, posuere scelerisque metus. Sed at elementum augue, in ullamcorper leo. Integer consequat faucibus dolor, suscipit dapibus neque sagittis quis. Praesent et hendrerit sem. Morbi tempor convallis nisl eu laoreet. Phasellus venenatis elit ex, vel euismod nunc dictum sit amet. Nunc cursus id massa eu luctus. Sed auctor suscipit massa eget malesuada. In sodales augue non lacinia faucibus. Ut porta ultrices sodales. Maecenas varius nulla et ultricies commodo.

Quisque suscipit feugiat leo, pharetra molestie purus placerat in. Aenean ornare orci in mauris commodo, ac fringilla tellus imperdiet. Nulla sit amet magna vel dui accumsan consectetur. Curabitur interdum tempus dui, quis gravida odio elementum quis. Maecenas et venenatis justo. Curabitur elementum tellus nec rutrum efficitur. Sed et laoreet nulla, interdum mattis tellus. Morbi in magna dictum, elementum est ac, luctus arcu. Suspendisse ultrices turpis ipsum, sed tincidunt est dapibus sit amet. Morbi suscipit turpis arcu, id viverra massa sodales at. Suspendisse in ante eget urna dapibus viverra.

Part I

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Part II

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Crimson Flower

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


After graduating, Hippolyta becomes an Imperial army general in the Crimson Flower path as well as in Azure Moon and Verdant Wind if she wasn't recruited. If the Black Eagles route is chosen, in Imperial Year 1185, Hippolyta is assigned to the Black Eagle Strike Force at Garreg Mach.

Azure Moon

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Verdant Wind

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


If Hippolyta is not recruited, she may be killed during the siege of Enbarr.

Silver Snow

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"


If the Church route is chosen, she and the other students will meet Byleth and Seteth on the city nearby the Church and help them defeat the bandits who were stealing. After that, she joins the Resistance Army.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum lacus ut turpis imperdiet, a faucibus quam tincidunt. Phasellus ac aliquam ligula. Phasellus gravida dolor scelerisque lorem semper consectetur. Morbi et sem eu velit dignissim eleifend. Mauris vitae rhoncus orci. Proin ac neque aliquet, dignissim felis vel, egestas massa. Vivamus in vehicula nisl. Donec a venenatis dolor. Cras sed ultricies nisl. Suspendisse eleifend volutpat nunc quis eleifend. Mauris lacinia mi eu nunc ornare, nec vestibulum nulla sagittis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras ut lacus pulvinar, sollicitudin odio sit amet, ultrices dui.

Nullam finibus eros et ante fringilla vulputate. Cras tincidunt quam a pulvinar tempus. Morbi vestibulum neque vitae ligula ultrices, ut feugiat quam posuere. Fusce molestie ante eu blandit accumsan. Nunc nec orci a augue fermentum pulvinar et in ante. Maecenas varius ac ligula quis accumsan. Proin at ligula tincidunt, aliquam sapien ut, hendrerit mauris. Vestibulum id aliquet purus. Sed egestas nisl eleifend facilisis porta. In bibendum ac sapien in convallis. Donec sed metus elementum, convallis ex id, congue urna. Etiam vel sapien et magna finibus tincidunt. Proin nibh eros, semper ut mi in, convallis aliquam ligula. Morbi sit amet elementum nunc. Cras aliquet imperdiet magna sed semper. Duis finibus purus non leo malesuada, non pretium eros porttitor.


Donec vel porttitor nulla, posuere scelerisque metus. Sed at elementum augue, in ullamcorper leo. Integer consequat faucibus dolor, suscipit dapibus neque sagittis quis. Praesent et hendrerit sem. Morbi tempor convallis nisl eu laoreet. Phasellus venenatis elit ex, vel euismod nunc dictum sit amet. Nunc cursus id massa eu luctus. Sed auctor suscipit massa eget malesuada. In sodales augue non lacinia faucibus. Ut porta ultrices sodales. Maecenas varius nulla et ultricies commodo.


See also: Hippolyta/Supports

  • [ name ]
  • [ name ]
  • [ name ]


See also: Hippolyta/Quotes

Possible Endings

[ character name ] - [ title ] ( route name )

[ text here ]

[ character name ] - [ title ]

[ text here ]


In Classical Greek mythology, Hippolyta (/hɪˈpɒlɪtə/; Greek: Ιππόλυτα Hippolyta) was the Amazonian queen who possessed a magical girdle (a waist belt that signified her authority as queen of the Amazons) given to her by her father Ares, the god of war. In the myth of Heracles, Hippolyta's girdle was the object of his ninth labor. He was sent to retrieve it for Admete, the daughter of King Eurystheus. 

Her surname, Suffolk is of Old English origin, meaning  "people from the south". The name of a region which was originally a county in England, south of London.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus.
  • Hippolyta shares her English voice actress E.G. Daily, with Hinoka, Selkie, and Peri. All characters known for their scratchy voices, Hippolyta included.
  • She shares many similarities to Peri from Fire Emblem Fates, voice actress, heterochromia iridum, and being a second/secondary retainer (Hippolyta to Edelgard in Crimson Flower.)


See also: Hippolyta/Gallery

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne