Karin Kokoa



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Karin Kokoa








5'2 [ 157.48 cm ]


Karin Kokoa is in Good Health condition, has long wavy black hair with one strand of purple, Her eye colour are naturally blue and Her skin is pure natural. Karin Kokoa would be seen in Purple Baby Doll dress, Knee high socks, a locket, Mary Jane shoes and to finish that off a light amount of makeup. Another outfit she wears is a short leather jacket, a white tank top, volleyball shorts with leggings underneath.


Karina Kokoa is a shy girl and would be very nervous around others, other than that she's a sweetheart and a loving person, especially to the whom she cares about. Usually when she's with her friends she act a little bit cRaZy and wild. She always make sure that everyone is alright whenever she's doing to cheer em up. Karina Kokoa can also be extremely bipolar at times so better watch out. And lastly, she goes from hot to cold in flash.


Karin is not an average girl, for her family was royalty. Her mother was the queen of England and her father the king. Her parents would force her to attend parties and host the palace events, but in reality she wanted to be like any other normal teenage girl. At the age of 12 her parents allowed for her to attend public school with other students... But for her first day they made fun of her because of her eye color and her family. They would call her names such as a freak or the cursed princess. They didn't even get to know of her many hidden talents.. She got tired and moved places that way she's able to start a new life, thus is leading her to be the new kid on the block. She remains quiet for she is afraid to be noticed for her true form and doesn't want anyone to think badly of her. You may see her around carrying a sketchbook and a pencil and smiling where ever you meet.