


4 years, 4 months ago




Feet turning black
Is this the path we must walk
No turning back
Wish I could just hear you talk
Name Hyperion, or HJ-34665Y
Name Pronunciation/haɪˈpɪərɪən/
Pronouns He/Him
OccupationA6 Service Agent
Status Single
Design Notes
  • The white streak in his hair is a genetic quirk.
  • His hair is extremely stiff and is naturally angled backward, like boar hair.
  • Hands and feet are clawed and webbed.
  • Ears have very little rotation.
  • Seems to exclusively dress in suits.

Hyperion is one of the best agents of A6, an agency that deals in planetary espionage. Suave and incredibly self-centered, Hyperion keeps his past under wraps for the most part. However, the mark on his chin reveals more than he'd like it to - it's the mark of a Ra'Laseedan family clan whose existence is under scrutiny by genetic experts. Despite his self-involved personality, Hyperion is hard worker who routinely gets the job done. He has an artful way of tallying up and disposing of enemies as well. What he's up to at any given time isn't exactly clear, but the mild show of side teeth would suggest he knows a thing or two about the state of political affairs galaxy-wide. Outside of work, he has a genial approach to life and and an appreciation for milder pursuits such as expensive spy gadgets for adult children, history, and explosives.

  • Is an excellent swimmer, his gills are located on his torso. 
  • Hyperion is gynandrous and has sexual encounters for work only. This is the norm for his species, and his appearance and personality is largely masculine due to the influence of how humans perceive secret agents in media.
  • His canines are so prominent that they often show even with his mouth closed.
  • Has an interest in evolution and biology.
Hyperion can change his appearance and build to any humanoid similar to him, but his time to maintain any form is extremely limited. He prefers to stay in his base form.
Hand to Hand
An expert of knifeplay and hand to hand combat. 
Tiger Shark
Hyperion has electroreceptors in the upper part of his muzzle. 

Every member of Hyperion's species, the Ra'Laseedans, were created as a servile worker and military race. After serving their masters, the Ra'Shagan, for a century, they were released from their enslavement due to Ra'Shagans ultimately conquering nearly every part of the galaxy. Unsurprisingly, the creation and discovery of Ra'Laseedans had an enormous impact on their own culture.

Ra'Laseedans are divided into various genetically bred strains, which they have renamed "clans" to seem less clinical. Each clan has large variations in ability, but not appearance, outside of natural black markings found on the body. Hyperion's clan marking is the bar on his chin. His particular clan, HJ, were the "field model" for for various espionage operations, where most Ra'Laseedans often served as aquatic shock troopers for the largely arboreal Ra'Shagan race. Hyperion's clan were all but wiped in various insurrections that lead to the independence of the species at the apex of galactic war.

One of the last slaves of the Ra'Laseedan race, Hyperion now lives independently from his masters. He was largely uncomfortable with civilian life, and offers his talents to a A6 to keep busy.