


4 years, 4 months ago



  • Full name: Harper De Luca
  • Born: 4/14/1893
  • Height: 5’5
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female


Harper is very hardworking and caring. She doesn’t like to open up and talk about her emotions, she would rather wear a “mask”. She can be very clumsy since she is blind out of her right eye. She tends to cover that eye with her bangs since she doesn’t like how it looks and it reminds her of her past. Harper is a detective and recently got transferred to another precinct because crimes in Italy have increased and help is needed. Her partner is Mason Conti and they get close throughout working together.

In the past, as a child, her dad became very verbally and sometimes physically abusive after her mother died. Harper during that time would spend time in her mother’s library. He was an alcoholic and one day he threw a wine bottle at Harper’s face. That is why she is blind in one eye. She endured the abuse for a while but they ran away with her close friend Anna Lioni and joined the mafia since they had no where else to go. Harper learned how to do things with her blind eye and got used to her blind spot. A mafia member at the time, Anthony Russo, taught her how to fight with a knife since she can’t aim a gun. She left the mafia a couple years later because she didn’t enjoy hurting people and she wanted to do good so she became a detective.


  • Her right eye is blind and she grew her bangs to cover it. 
  • People describe her as soft and shy at first when they met her. She is very polite and would not say i’ll things
  • Always forgets to wear her badge.
  • Loves to bake. 
  • Her left eye is purple.