


4 years, 3 months ago


Brief Backstory: 
Angelica doesn't remember much about her childhood, just a dark room, and a voice or two whispering things to her. She remembers a beautiful man singing sweet lullabies to her when she cried. She recalls a tale or two a sad-looking woman would murmur in her ear when she asked about the outside world. There was a man who smiled too much who would carve her various dolls and tell her to run along and keep clear of his workshop. But most of all, she could see so clearly the light of a searcher's lantern lighting up the underground hall. The voices of concerned men when they found an unkept child playing with a deformed wooden doll, alone. When the searchers brought her out of the cave and into a sunny green world Angelica had no knowledge of until now. And then, just like that, she fell into a strange coma. She stayed in this coma for two years. When Angelica woke, she was in the castle of Heart Stone, tucked into a large bed, with a wide-eyed girl staring at her in shock.

Name: Angelica
Age: 15
Height: 5''5'
Pronouns: She/her
Fun Fact: Angelica adores books. any books. She knows so little about the world around her that she ravenously soaks up any information she can get her hands on.

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