Riki Nokogiri (リキ のこ



リキ  のこぎり *(Name is a play on words. If you take away Ri and Giri, you get Kinoko, which is Mushroom) 

Name: Riki Nokogiri 

Age: ~400

Personality: He likes it when humans are afraid of him. He's not sadistic or cruel, but he thinks it's funny. For a demon, he is surprisingly friendly once you get to know him, but he's fairly protective of that side of himself when it comes to humans. He also hides a bit of his friendliness from other demons out of fear that he would be considered "Soft".  He's lighthearted and fun, and he loves his children more than anything in the world.

It pains him a lot that he never got to see them grow up or be with them through all their accomplishments in life, even more so that his wife had to do it all herself. He tries hard to never let it show, because he wants to be strong for his children, but it really is a sore point for him. 

Riki fell in love with a human woman who came from a long line of demon hunters. They married in secret and ran away, both from any influence of other demons or the hunters. His daughter was born first, and four wonderful years later, their son was born. But unfortunately life could not stay perfect for this family, and while his daughter was human, his son was half demon, which alerted the hunters, and they were eventually found. The lovers were separated, with Riki being trapped in an urn, and his wife and children left with their memory altered and Porchini's demon side sealed.
All they could remember was that there used to be a husband and father, but he went away and never came back. Nobody was ever sure what happened, as the memory was obfuscated, and it was never something they spoke of.

One day, though, Porchini and Chantrelle were exploring an abandoned house in the woods, when they came across an urn covered in dust. It was taped shut with a seal, but when Porchini approached to look at it, he knocked it over, causing it to fall to the floor and shatter. This urn was the very one that housed their father.
At first, he thought Porchini was his wife, thinking only a few days had passed, but when he took a second to process the people in front of him, he realized they were his children, all grown up!
He vowed then to accompany them and be the father he never could be. Of course he had never been in society, even before he was sealed away, having lived first with the demons who had their old ways, and then in secret away from anyone else with his wife.  He didn't really know how to help them, and thus he ended up living with them and just doing basic household chores mostly, as he wasn't exactly able to get a job or even go out much, since unlike Porchini who could hide or show his ears and tail at will, Riki's horns take a lot more effort to will out of existence, and he often forgets and lets them show again.

Profile Progress

Heads up! This profile is not finished there might be more things added later so it would be nice if you could check it again at some point.

If you want to know how I got the rotating images on this page, all I did was go to gifmaker.me, upload 4 images each (can change number) and set the image speed to 3500 (would not recommend going faster than that). I downloaded the resulting gif and uploaded it to an image hosting site. As long as the gif speed is the same for all 3 images, they stay in sync! 



Blurb here



NameNokogiri, Riki
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
OccupationHouse dad
Race/NationalityJapanese (Kamakura)
Place of Residence Tokyo
Accent/Dialect Kanagawa (Japanese)
Orientation Heterosexual
Relationship StatusWidower


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Art Value: Unknown
Com Value: Unknown
Status: Permanent Residence
Obtained: (Original creator)
Open for: RP




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On my person

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5479072?1575180409Chantrelle [Daughter] Chantrelle is his oldest child. She was old enough to have some memory of Riki before he was trapped and their memory was altered. She was a daddy's girl as a toddler, but now that she's older and has had to take care of herself and Porchini for a few years now, she's become very independent, and she has little patience for Riki's antics. She has a very motherly stern personality and doesn't put up with Riki's antics. He tries to encourage her to have more fun and enjoy the cutesy things she likes in private. She gets flustered and embarrassed when he mentions it in public. (Basically a typical dad embarrassing his kids with his love) 
5479089?1575180593Porchini [Son]
rel1.pngName [relationship] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
rel1.pngName [relationship] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.